Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb past] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We had very little experience in clothing design at that stage , although we had run a small experiment with Habitat called Clothes Line .
2 To be certain that the and /bcl-2 cells that we studied lacked a functional respiratory chain , we tested their respiratory function in two ways .
3 As our pick-up ti me approached we mustered under our patrol commander and soon moved back to base , tired but satisfied that we 'd done a good job .
4 That we 'd had a short but intense affair , and when we 'd met again and realised we still felt the same about each other you 'd revealed how Thomas was mine . ’
5 It was on a trip to Frankfurt with a mixed load of several 2,000lb bombs and the varied load of experimental PFF flares and early target indicator devices ; Bennett always insisted that we had to carry a full load of the hurtful .
6 He explained that we had made a grave error — it was Saturday afternoon .
7 The readership survey confirmed our belief that we had created a high quality magazine , with many readers saying they found it attractive , colourful and easy to read .
8 All these questions were dealt with fully during the course , so Derek and I felt that we had learnt a great deal of new and fascinating information that we just could n't have got out of books .
9 One of them gesticulated to us and , using harsh , staccato Russian ( which neither of us understood ) and rather violent stabs into the air , made it very clear that we had taken a dangerous route over the ice and that we were very stupid indeed .
10 As before , he was concerned to hear that we had enjoyed a good flight to his native city , had found a good hotel and that we were managing to survive the bitter cold , the snow and the ice of a Canadian winter .
11 She was allowed to continue with her mending — she did not know that we had spread a thick layer of gum upon the chair and was surprised at the alacrity with which we saw to all her needs so that she should never move .
12 The low headroom on the staircase meant that we had to find a sensible height for the border by doing a ‘ dry ’ run without cutting any material from the roll ( an assistant is invaluable for this ) .
13 We were all happy with the work of in becoming a facilitator in the region but felt that she needed to have an outlet for displaying materials and that we needed to ensure a fair wage for the development education worker .
14 The coefficient of correlation value is good , considering that we tried to get a mathematical relationship from a physiological response .
15 The way the vehicle was hit , there was one person in the back so we had to do a 3-door conversion and made a 2-door car into a 3 , so it took longer .
16 Said Mr Costain : ‘ We would have liked to build a replacement with a wooden verandah and steps , but it ca n't be done in this day and age , so we had to build a concrete one like Fort Knox . ’
17 when they wore thin on the end and we had to put a new link in we never threw the two halves of the link away , we pointed them and made them into staples .
18 The seventy strong press and media corps were in the rear of the Prime Minister 's plane and we had arranged a special area and platform for them in the terminal .
19 1976 , it may be remembered , was the year of the great drought , and we had to wait a frustrating three months until there was rain in sufficient quantity and enough water in the river to try it out .
20 We were on Egleton Reserve , the lagoon area of the Rutland Water Nature Reserve , and we had spent a blustery March morning wielding bill hooks to create 3-foot long sticks from coppiced pussy willow branches .
21 ‘ But we were producing so much effluent it flooded and we had to rent a small piece of land specifically for effluent disposal , ’ explained Dai .
22 I was cast opposite him but I was nothing like the draw he was and we had had a dodgy time on tour .
23 And we 'd gone a roundabout way the last time we were there and I thought oh I 'll give it a go , anyway I walked straight down this road , have a look oh yes , turn up here anyway I , I sort of got me bearings and I thought oh yes it 's just down here he 's in the field just down there .
24 and we 'd got a little old fellow with us , you know , well built very not very big but broad as what he was long .
25 And after I 'd explained , and we 'd laughed a good deal , and taken off each others ’ wet clothes , it was .
26 They put me in touch with a few other people in nearby Sheffield and we arranged to have a tentative first meeting in someone 's flat .
27 In 1987–88 this was not the case and we failed to predict a dramatic upturn in School of Business F T E s , principally as a consequence of students electing to take tourism modules as an extra-field choice .
28 Shipping came and went , nothing happened and we seemed to become a permanent part of the seascape .
29 Yet even so , the dispensary was busy every day , and we did have a great deal of work , dealing with the humdrum , everyday ailments — yaws , measles , ‘ flu and accidents — accepted by the Polynesians with a philosophical resignation , as though they were saying , ‘ This is the price we pay for living in paradise . ’
30 To begin with , we were n't looking to trick anyone — the job was perfectly straightforward — and we wanted to get a good geographic spread to avoid any bias towards the London area which has the lion 's share of the current bureau .
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