Example sentences of "[conj] we [verb] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Genetic differences may mean that although we eat the same diet , the level of cholesterol in your blood may be , say , 200 mg/100 ml ( 5–17 mmol/litre ) while mine is 300 mg/mI ( 7–76 mmol/l ) , giving me more than twice your risk of a heart attack .
2 they hundred years ago , although we use the same language as we do today
3 ‘ Like any hobby or job , it 's vital that we speak the same language , understand the same flying terms .
4 To say this would be to deny the universality of what Professor A. J. Ayer says it is natural for us to assume , namely that we use the same word in different situations because we have noticed a distinctive common feature .
5 following a review by the county surveyor we suggest further things which are automatic consultation with local members and indeed this process of public consultation be brought forward to the beginning of the whole procedure of traffic managing reviews , now that , that sort of consultation will be more in the nature of a public meeting than a semi-formal enquiry , but we recommend to you that we use the same sort of terminology so that the public appreciates that they are genuinely being consulted by the County Council , now if we find that there are very contentious proposals after an order has been published , er a C C H , a County Consultant of Hearing may still be held if as members you feel that 's something you want to do , because the objective of , of this whole concept of County Consultant of Hearings is to have er flexible arrangements so that the County Council can demonstrate its commitment with consultations at a local level to demonstrate that , that members in particular are hearing what local people er say and to set up procedures within the organization to give members , particularly local members more involvement in the traffic management review process , those are the recommendations Chairman which involve in the paper .
6 Suppose , says Keeler , that we apply the same analysis to other groups of plants — crops , say — and tot up their score on the scale of weediness .
7 Except that we love the same man , she added silently .
8 I proposed that we fish the same swim , which was large enough to accommodate both of us without the risk of crossed lines .
9 Furthermore , we would expect any doctor , not just our own , to behave in the ‘ proper ’ manner , in the same way that we expect the same sort of behaviour from all shop assistants , or all priests , or all fathers .
10 I picked him as my friend because he was a quiet , kind boy and we shared the same interest .
11 We speak variant patois of Shakespeare and Norman Mailer , our institutions spring from the same instincts and traditions , and we share the same heritage of law and custom , philosophy and pragmatic Weltanschauung … starting from similar premises in the same intellectual tradition , we recognize common allusions , share many common prejudices , and can commune on a basis of confidence .
12 So am I and we share the same gift of glimpsing the future . ’
13 Hawks , pigeons and I share an astonishingly similar set of components and mechanisms and we share the same world .
14 We went in with an open mind , but I have to be honest , the presentation was so abysmal , that there was no way that we could in fact continue with them , and we have the same problem with the cleaning contract .
15 First of all the major documentation we 've got is the contract and there we have six companies and we have the same contract for all six .
16 Swap engineers for any other subject in school and we have the same retrograde situation .
17 ‘ It 's a contact sport and we have the same commitment level as the men , so there is the same danger . ’
18 next year , it 's very limited use , and we find the same situation in South which is , move that we agreed to that in the report .
19 He leapt off a regular bus — the excellent airport service seems currently in abeyance , threw himself through the doors and yelled at me to hurry , which I did , and we caught the same bus back into town .
20 So in fact , we could have caused chaos on Oxpens Road by parking the bus on double yellow lines and making a big thing of getting handicapped children out , in and out of a specialised vehicle , but we , we actually prefer not to do that , and we go on the car park each week , and we pay the same fee as anybody else fee , pays because er we feel that that 's the right and proper place for us to be and the children to be , as they 're just ordinary members of the community with some special needs .
21 Bats and we need the same kind of internal model for representing the position of objects in three-dimensional space .
22 Answer guide : The facts suggest that if we apply the same argument as we outlined for vehicles then reducing balance would be the choice .
23 So , if we had the same range of materials on video as we do on audio , would we continue to use audio in language teaching ?
24 ‘ I would hate it to go down in Conservative mythology that we always had to have a gaggle of young men running every campaign , ’ he said , ‘ although if we had the same bunch at the next election at least they 'd be a few years older . ’
25 To be honest , we were n't sure we 'd sell all our tickets for the replay , but they all went by Thursday and if we get the same backing , we must have a chance . ’
26 I think if we get the same budget next year , we will have to consider very carefully what work load we undertake in the next financial year , yes .
27 In the long term , I can imagine using the same factories if we use the same platform and fit many of the same parts .
28 S s so w if we use the same thing that we 've just done on our own house and say how can we stop it from happening , might not get a burglar alarm .
29 He merely sat on the only chair in my room , shook his head and told me to sleep , and that it would be best if we shared the same chamber that night .
30 ‘ They were Group-wide events which showed just what can be achieved and if we have the same support for the other planned events then we are confident we can hit our target of £10,000 .
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