Example sentences of "[conj] were [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the programs Carter proposed either were never passed or were drastically rewritten by Congress . ’
2 Yearly tenancies held at rack rents ( i.e. rents that were not fixed by custom but which were negotiated by the landlord and tenant ) were common for the smaller farms and cottages and in the Midlands in particular they were usual for any property other than a freehold .
3 Those parties that were not forced into clandestinity demonstrated scant ability to formulate new strategies or even to adapt existing ones to contemporary situations .
4 SuperCalc 5.5 has extended the use of fonts in printing spreadsheet ranges so that the facilities that were previously limited to laser printers now apply to most dot matrix printers .
5 The sky was a clear , pale dome , covered in the east by a flock of tiny clouds that were already turned to pink by the sun that was still concealed , that had not yet risen .
6 He ‘ caught numerous examples , marked and gave them their liberty , in order to ascertain whether the individuals which were flying round the ship at nightfall , were the same that were similarly engaged at daylight in the morning after a night 's run of 120 miles , and which in nearly every instance proved to be the case . ’
7 The hypothesis underlying this study was confirmed by finding a significant increase of childhood leukaemia in those rural areas of Scotland that were most affected by population ‘ mixing ’ associated with the North Sea oil industry .
8 The willingness to learn new things , practice new forms of behaviour and make new , constructive , relationships with one 's family and friends are all part of the healthy re-channelling of time and energy that were formerly dissipated in addiction .
9 The workforce ( well over 20000 men ) contained many from the Highlands and Islands , though the largest numbers were drawn from industrial parts of Scotland ( Clydeside ) and England ( Tyneside and Teesside ) that were severely affected by unemployment .
10 On the other hand , it is also possible that some abortions that were originally induced by primitive or illegal means will be finally treated by medical personnel and reported as spontaneous abortion .
11 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
12 Its purpose was to provide art historians with examples of antique sculpture that were definitely known to Renaissance artists such as Donatello and Ghiberti and influenced their work .
13 With a stifled cry , she dropped the bolt , stepping back on legs that were suddenly made of water .
14 If we set something up like that , it does give you an opportunity to revisit the competencies that were supposedly achieved during part one and part two .
15 between older industrial areas that were once based on manufacturing industry ( such as the North West , the North , the West Midlands ) and those areas with a high concentration of newer services and high-technology employment ( such as the South East , East Anglia ) ;
16 In time you will begin to appreciate the subtle natural flavours of your food that were once masked by salt .
17 They had a strong sense of shared identity , had been trained together , and were strongly linked by kinship ties .
18 A total of seven mineshafts were located along the route and were either consolidated by grout injection or capped at rockhead .
19 Nor does the issue of life and death rest only with your estate , as we have well seen in the fate of those earls lately in dispute with the king 's Grace who fell into the hands of certain lawless gatherings of commoners , and were shortly done to death .
20 In December 1942 an Inspectorate of Eastern Troops was set up to supervise the formation and training of the proliferating military units ; but each was subordinated to a German unit ; and although an officer 's academy was established at Mariumpol , Lithuania ( later Conflans , France ) , the units were never assembled into tactical formations , and were largely posted on occupation duties to Western and Southern Europe .
21 Trebuchets had a long range , and were generally constructed on site .
22 They had semi-circular arched heads and were generally filled with alabaster or marble sheets or , sometimes , glass .
23 They were , however , an all-White group , operating without directly involving parents and were generally committed to specialist care in the community .
24 These six-sided bricks , each facet displaying part of a printed map , when correctly positioned display six maps by W. and A. K. Johnston , including England , Scotland , Europe and the World , and were neatly boxed as part of the original product .
25 The burghers of Lichfield are a cultured and discerning lot , and were clearly charmed by guest speakers Joanna Trollope and Mark Wallington , who could hardly have come from more different writing genres .
26 All of the Ea transgenic mouse strains contained intact copies of the transgene construct , as shown by Southern blot analysis ( data not shown , see Materials and methods ) , and were probably integrated in tandem .
27 The manufacture of faience objects was another highly specialized craft closely associated with temple worship ; many of these objects have a religious significance and were probably made for cult use .
28 They are wooden galleries beneath extended eaves in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century farmhouses , and were probably designed for storage purposes originally , but were undoubtedly used in summer by the womenfolk in their cottage industry of spinning the wool of the local Herdwick sheep with spinning wheel and distaff .
29 The 1977 Porchester report published figures provided by MAFF to indicate the potential loss of agricultural production if 16,000 hectares of Exmoor stayed as rough sheep grazing and were not converted to grassland .
30 Accordingly it became a relatively more important cause of death than scarlet fever , which declined fast from the 1860s ( the two diseases have some symptoms in common and were not separated in death certification until 1858 ) .
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