Example sentences of "[conj] or not [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This arises since patients are permitted to go anywhere for treatment , leaving the home authority to pay for this treatment , whether or not the authority considers such treatment necessary for that particular patient , whether or not that type of treatment figures in local priorities , and whether or not there are ‘ more deserving ’ cases within the authority .
2 This arises from the essence of this type of system which is that patients can go anywhere for treatment , and their home authority must pay for such treatment , whether or not it is considered necessary for that particular patient , whether or not that type of treatment figures in the local priorities , and whether or not there are ‘ more deserving ’ cases within the authority .
3 Over the years there has been much debate as to whether or not this state of affairs is really acceptable even given the fact that these industries are highly independent bodies .
4 However , it is not clear whether or not this type of singularity will occur in other solutions , particularly as the Khan-Penrose solution contains impulsive gravitational waves .
5 The evaluation was carried out in order to provide information for a decision as to whether or not this type of material could be used for the user instruction programme at Chalmers University Library .
6 Gastroenterologists , therefore , have a responsibility to review their results to show whether or not this form of surveillance is effective .
7 Where a related party controls the enterprise , the existence and nature of the enterprise , together with its name , should be disclosed whether or not any transactions between the parties have taken place .
8 Thus together they amount to a concerted attempt to investigate whether or not any form of vertical behaviour is to be allowed .
9 Whether or not these criticisms of inefficiency are valid is extremely difficult to assess , and the situation is complicated by repeated political interference by governments of both parties in the pricing , investment and employment decisions of nationalised industries , thereby concealing their real performance .
10 This information may then be represented statistically ; in terms of the frequency of occurrence of combinations of letters , or in terms of the probability that some letter is preceded by some combination of a number of other letters ( transitional probabilities ) ; or non-statistically in terms of whether or not some combination of letters occurs in the source .
11 In order to determine whether or not some types of publication were more likely to need repair than others , the proportions of monographs , serials , and newspapers in need of attention ( that is , falling into Categories 3–5 ) were calculated .
12 Whether or not either concept of equity is desirable is a pure value judgement .
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