Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb base] [pron] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Both , in tandem , have transformed who does what and where they do it to create the wealth governments now seek .
2 Perhaps the reason for the comic success of such characters is that they help us to recognise the prejudice which exists in all of us at so many different levels about so many different things .
3 Few of his ministers are saying , even in private , that they expect him to lose the next election .
4 None of the four structures given in the Government 's proposals are desirable , SNH says , arguing that they do nothing to tackle the problems caused by historic boundaries such as the fact that one local boundary runs down the middle of Loch Lomond .
5 They do not understand the basis of the argument and they ask me to explain the Government 's position .
6 And they leave me to sign the post , the paperwork , run up and down the stairs , doing this , that and the other , talking to , my things across here are training sessions , incoming , tea card collection because my collections are usually like they 're a part-timer , and phone calls from reception , oh , you can take it .
7 If they want us to design a brand new one we will do it at no extra cost .
8 But if they allow themselves to correct the party programme of action elaborated by the Comintern without asking its opinion , such action is incompatible with the principle of democratic centralism , with iron discipline , and with the Comintern .
9 But they expect us to keep the place open for ‘ em .
10 But they want you to use the graph and that 's what they 're giving the marks for .
11 Detachments are extremely useful because they enable you to field a small unit without the high cost of providing a hero to boost its leadership value .
12 They exist , theorists believe , because they help us to see the world as it really is .
13 Because they want everybody to have a Big Daddy with his leather belt keeping 'em in order — less for them to do , ’ he said .
14 Before they ask us to pay the bill
15 Wish art goes on to emphasize the importance of the electric media in breaking the hegemony of notation , for they enable us to capture the actual sounds , in all their inflectional complexity — freed from the ‘ filtering ’ effects of notation — and in experiential rather than spatialized time .
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