Example sentences of "[conj] at the same [noun sg] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing , he found , was more effective — as he tried to devise an inner world that at the same time avoided the black hole of dejection — than work , solitary work , work in which one was gladly buried .
2 The safety-belt held me back as I jerked forward and at the same second heard the ghastly clash of metal hitting metal .
3 He had introduced her to physical passion , and at the same time ignited a fire in his own sensual , earthy Taurean nature that had proved impossible to quench .
4 as if my whole life , he wrote , had been spent working at the glass and at the same time had been spent doing nothing at all .
5 Already during the uncanny calm of the ‘ phoney war ’ in the winter of 1939–40 , Hitler had hinted at a successful end to the conflict during 1940 , and at the same time had further blamed England and France for deliberately prolonging the war through their influence on previously neutral countries .
6 Their manager , standing in the wings , wondered what Arthur was yakking about , and at the same time had a moment of seeing them as Gandhi carrying a buffalo .
7 No one retained a broadcasting role and at the same time enjoyed a good salary .
8 The allegation was that she did not do enough to help her , and over a period of time this had made the carer extremely angry , and at the same time made their mother dissatisfied about the care she was receiving .
9 They can never take that championship away for us , and at the same time made the scum pay the ultimate price ( he-he-he ) .
10 There was a strong monarchist party among the Evallonians , who wished to reinstate their former dynasty , at present represented by an attractive young prince , and at the same time insisted on the revision of Evallonian boundaries .
11 Yet while it may not be possible , in a given case , to come to a clear decision one way or the other , it can not , I shall argue , be coherently assumed that a decision is logically impossible and at the same time insisted that the object in question exists in an ontological sense .
12 There just was n't much British around that had an edge and at the same time looked good .
13 Her husband admired her serious-mindedness , and at the same time saw that her absence of humour held comic promise for his act .
14 In consequence , the Joint Contract Tribunal ( JCT ) extended their terms of reference to assume responsibility for the production of standard forms of subcontract and at the same time enlarged their membership by inviting the two main subcontractors ' organisations to become constituent bodies .
15 On that instant she put down her comb , and turned her back on her dressing-table mirror — and at the same time rejected any notion that she felt in any way excited .
16 He was close to Ceausescu — and at the same time kept Moscow informed .
17 How could she produce anything that bore the stamp of continuity and at the same time managed to be fresh and original ?
18 Unfortunately Gaunt had claims on the Castilian crown which induced him to put these interests before priorities in France and at the same time drove the formidable Castilian navy into alliance with the French .
19 Pressure from the STUC and the Scottish Labour Party over the 1960s had helped to channel considerable regional aid to Scotland , which partly reversed the country 's relative economic decline ( Begg and Lythe , 1977 ) but did not eliminate high unemployment , and at the same time brought recognition of a ‘ Scottish dimension ’ to economic policy .
20 Chris Bird , exploration team leader of the Atlantic Frontier Programme said : ‘ The success of the survey has accelerated the whole ‘ 204 ’ exploration and appraisal programme and at the same time enabled us to obtain additional data on the area . ’
21 Sam obeyed and at the same time felt Rose grasp the tail of his own .
22 Paul wanted to retch , and at the same time felt his member thrusting against his clothes ; there was no denying that he had wanted this , when all was said , for a long time .
23 Whereas if someone who is normally very placid and kind became ill , say with an earache and at the same time became irritable and bad tempered , then this would be a highly significant symptom .
24 Ducrocq , recognising perhaps Jack 's engineering ability and flying enthusiasm , took him on as his full time mechanic and at the same time began teaching Jack to fly .
25 ‘ My father , Mr F. Lavender , was appointed Town Clerk of Bishop 's Castle in 1922 , in succession to Mr Ernest Griffiths and at the same time purchased the latter 's solicitors ’ practice and the old office building .
26 As he was drawn towards the Eye the terror-struck Rincewind raised the box protectively , and at the same time heard the picture imp say , ‘ They 're about ripe now , ca n't hold them any longer .
27 She had a thriving business in Wallingford High Street , before the recession hit her customers pockets and at the same time sent her overheads soaring .
28 She therefore advertised the garage as being for rent , and at the same time got herself a job as a secretary to an insurance broker , to fill in the time until Peter should be at home permanently or a family should arrive .
29 In the 1920s and 1930s some Marxists — and particularly those who adhered to Bolshevik views — conceived fascism as the more or less inevitable form assumed by the rule of the bourgeoisie in the monopolistic phase of capitalist development , and at the same time underestimated the strength of the fascist movements .
30 Until the start of the civil war , in the summer of 1918 , there was a relative lull in the social conflicts during which the Bolsheviks shared power with the Left Social-Revolutionaries and at the same time attempted to obtain the collaboration of some sections of the bourgeoisie and industrial managers in their efforts to revive industry .
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