Example sentences of "[conj] at the [det] [noun] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He encouraged Hoare to give a strong lead at Geneva ( although at the same time telling hint : ‘ keep us out of war ; we are not ready for it ’ ) , and ruminating , again at Aix , moved increasingly towards an autumn election .
2 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
3 So I am proposing with him to er undertake a fairly simple but comprehensive business of reading the bass clef , using the left hand , and introducing it into the kind of music that he already plays , and at the same time getting him to play other music as well , which he seems to be very happy .
4 I was shouting and screaming for help and at the same time taking off my coat and wellingtons , preparing to jump in after her .
5 First , it was reformulated in theories of political development and modernization which were , however , more restricted in their scope in several ways ; by confining the notion of development largely to the ‘ developing countries ’ , and at the same time taking as their model of a ‘ modern ’ developed society the existing Western industrial countries , as if these countries had reached the limit of their historical development .
6 But is there not a contradiction between being so fiercely hostile to relativism in history and aesthetics and at the same time asserting that there are no objective criteria for deciding whether a work is good or bad ?
7 Inside the churches I could feel intense devoutness , and recalled the ejaculations shouted after La Macarena in Seville , so truly reverent yet passionate , reminiscent of medieval mystery plays ' earthy realism and at the same time resembling the way men call after girls in the street .
8 Many diptera bask in sunlight inside flowers , warming themselves and at the same time facilitating pollination ; hordes settle on conspicuous dark or bright surfaces when air temperatures are low , and beetles collect on sunny patches of ground that are sheltered from wind , indicating a constant need for warming .
9 So the project will have the double benefit of clearing the rivers and at the same time creating a saleable product .
10 Then she felt the coverlet being pulled off the bed and João was on top of her and his sweet breath was in her face and his mouth over her mouth ; he was forcing her legs apart until she thought she would split ; he was trying to lift them right up over his shoulders , and at the same time trying to enter where she was impossibly small , cursing at his lack of success and finally grunting and gasping , until she felt a little damp fountain on her belly and he rolled off the bed and pattered quickly from the room .
11 His mind was n't up to speaking one line while listening to another , and at the same time trying to remember the next move .
12 It has formed a new division , the Computers & Personal Communication Sales Division , charged with expanding the number of Sony workstation dealers , and at the same time developing products wanted by large users .
13 In the case of a limited company with a registered office in Scotland carrying on business in England and Wales , service can be effected without leave by post or by delivering the process at the address in England and Wales and at the same time sending a copy of the process to the registered office ( s 725(2) and ( 3 ) of the Companies Act 1985 ) .
14 When she came back from Confession , uncomforted , she found her cell mate kicking the doctor who was trying to feed her , and at the same time yelling that he should take his hat off in the presence of a lady .
15 How can the right hon. Gentleman stand at the Dispatch Box and seek to justify the untrammelled entry of coal imports into Britain , which is flinging thousands of miners out of work and at the same time digging a hole for the economic morass in our balance of payments ?
16 Rather than making the observations that were originally planned , the telescope has been trying out various options to see what is possible , and at the same time producing pictures and results to reassure the public that all is not lost .
17 Guido smiled suddenly , once more taking Ronni by surprise — and at the same time displaying his perfect white teeth .
18 The aperture of the cowrie shell into which the mollusc withdraws has suggested two quite different analogies , the vulva and the eye , the one promoting fertility , the other serving as a prophylactic against the evil eye and at the same time seeking to promote good sight .
19 If the basis were significantly positive just prior to the delivery day , it would be possible to make substantial arbitrage profits by selling futures contracts and at the same time buying the underlying cash market goods in order to deliver them to the buyers of the contracts .
20 The cut may be made with little or no apparent awareness , the patient suddenly discovering that she has cut herself and at the same time experiencing a sense of relief .
21 The Legion was formed on 10 March 1831 by royal decree of Prince Louis-Philippe , who saw it as a good way of clearing Paris of undesirable elements and at the same time providing free labour to defend and build France 's new colonial empire .
22 To Henry it may well have seemed a sensible way of killing two birds with one stone — chastising rebels and at the same time providing his warlike second son with useful experience .
23 For the past few years , Stoddard Sekers has provided practical and financial assistance enabling students to gain an understanding of the Textile industry and at the same time providing the company with an insight into what ‘ is going on today ’ in the various colleges .
24 We were all eating roast venison and at the same time discussing vegetarianism .
25 To decry d decry Unemployment Action , claiming it to be work is , and at the same time supporting the Labour Party policy which would make it acceptable to receive benefit without training , but illegal to have a job without training , is a strange morality .
26 Barman Mike Wheeler slipped whilst attempting to catch the picture , badly slashing his wrist on the broken glass and at the same time dropping his lighted cigarette into a box of Buxtons Tripe and Strawberry Flavoured Crisps .
27 Mozart , knowing that his father would be devastated by the news , sought to prepare him as gently as possible for it by writing to him that she was gravely ill and at the same time writing to their close friend , Bullinger , telling him the whole story , in the hope that Bullinger could support and comfort his father and sister when he finally broke the news to them , which he was intending to do in a second letter to his father .
28 But , people , both like the Royal Family , do be er , veterans of debauchery , and at the same time setting the highest standards .
29 Arising out of these conditions , and at the same time reinforcing them , was a widespread and buoyant expectation of continuous growth which was powerful enough to ride out random shocks [ Allsop , 1979 ] .
30 He was doing three tasks at once : checking the statements of witnesses in a report being prepared for the Public Prosecutor and at the same time turning over the photographs and diagrams of the house in Church Row which the SOCO had put together .
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