Example sentences of "[conj] at the [adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That is because it is an area where Marx and Engels , misled by Morgan , went most wrong , yet where at the same time they made the best use of anthropology .
2 A widespread factor is found where real or suggested expertise is involved in a transaction and where at the same time it may be assumed that the customer is ignorant about what it is he is paying for .
3 Although at the political level it would seem that the Keynesian position has been relegated , at the theoretical ( and practical ) level it is maintained that fiscal policy can influence the achievement of the objectives of government policy .
4 Servants too ought to be diligent and refrain from gaming and other dissolute pursuits , although at the same time they were fully entitled to ‘ competent wages and clothing with trew payments of the same ’ .
5 In a rare survey of local residents ' attitudes , the Kariels ( 1982 ) have found that in spite of the many negative aspects often ascribed to tourism , the overall evaluation of local inhabitants was strongly positive , although at the same time they wanted the landscape to retain its traditional character and felt that family life had been weakened by tourism .
6 This argument , which Foucault derives from Deleuze , although at the same time he tellingly invokes Sartre 's theoretical formulation designed to solve exactly the same problem , provides a way of avoiding the incommensurability of the relation of the event to the concept by allowing ‘ the disjunctive affirmation of both ’ — thus solving the problem that the concept , as a part of the language of generality , will inevitably travesty the event 's singularity :
7 Although at the local level we will be pursuing similar objectives , when it comes tot he wider national issues , it will be CPRW that speaks out for those who not only care about the Park , but also see it as a special part of a special country .
8 I think it true to say that at the present time it is not at all difficult for academics to appear in print .
9 Addressing the Assembly , Yeltsin said that at the forthcoming Congress he expected an attempt to retreat from reforms .
10 I am very happy that at the very moment you are admitted to your degree and become a graduate of the University of Nottingham I have the opportunity to shake your hand in congratulation .
11 You have established , at least in the eyes of others who were n't watching precise times , that at the very moment you were in the church , the Lady Eleanor was still alive .
12 US officials reportedly expressed concerns that the Soviet side had drawn back from previously agreed elements of the START treaty , and that at the same time it appeared to be adopting a less conciliatory stance on other arms control and disarmament issues , such as the ceiling on troops in Central Europe and the outline of an " Open Skies " treaty agreed in February [ ibid . ] .
13 He will tell members of the county 's public protection committee that at the same time it has become increasingly difficult to man the main consumer advice centres in Durham , Darlington and Bishop Auckland .
14 You need to have that and it is no bad thing provided , of course , that at the same time you are prepared to listen and benefit from good advice .
15 I am therefore requesting , in accordance with the confidentiality undertaking , that the Information memorandum is returned to me and that at the same time you confirm in writing that you and your advisers have destroyed any further copies of the documentation .
16 Something inside me stretched as I walked so that at the same time I was walking on the top of those hills .
17 The incongruity was that at the same time he was convinced of retribution in this world .
18 Yes oh I ee I , I 'm led to understand that he , he built that church and I 'm led to understand that at the same time he started , he came as a curate to St Matthew 's and then he came to Street into a house and he had a little , he started a little church down there in a private house and then he built the church .
19 We knew that VAT was going to be an issue , but because everything was so vague we found it impossible to draw up detailed plans in advance , which meant that at the last minute we had to commit unbudgeted and unplanned resources to enable us to be ready for January . ’
20 Of course I realised that at the last moment he could have been attached to another troop , but this seemed highly unlikely in view of the S.A.S. methods of training , which relied upon close personal co-operation between all ranks .
21 He will need help , of course , other agents or what have you and at the appropriate moment you arrest the lot . ’
22 Our 1963 Herald 12/50 was keen to get going , and at the allotted time we set off through the Borders and towards North Yorkshire .
23 They was only , they 'd either got to pay for accommodation at a lodging house or go to the workhouse , they called them then , which is the casual ward , and at the casual ward they were required to bath on admission , which a lot of them did n't like , they were compelled to do certain work .
24 And at the syntactic level we are not committed to any one particular formalism , but rather can consider a number of different formalisms .
25 And at the macro level they see the burgeoning of a true British citizenship as being dependent on constitutional reform .
26 At the one end it is very shallow and at the other end it is deep .
27 When she leaned against him without flinching away he stroked her hair as she buried her face against his chest , and at the delicate caress she sobbed into the thick navy wool without inhibition .
28 I did do that along with Ron and er they were speaking in terms of er a conjurer at under a pound a time and thing of that nature which should then come to a the pensioner 's category at Poole , so I took it back to Stuart and he said oh see what I can do Norman , and at the present moment it rests there because I have n't been able to contact Stuart at the moment owed to the holiday , but I shall be contacting him and hopefully we will also be doing two days , which is the Tuesday and the Thursday , also what they , er , he 's , he 's promised to do is to come half way with the cost of the jazz band , which is a great help .
29 And at the more maths you know , I think , the easier it is perhaps to get a job , and perhaps to be able to choose an interesting field .
30 In fact we 've just refused er the application er to change the use of that site to housing , or some of that site to housing , er for the very reason that we want to keep it in employment use and at the same meeting we also refused another site , another major employment site , erm and we want to keep that in employment use as well .
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