Example sentences of "[conj] at [art] same [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Rosalind Krauss has observed that this principle of textual reproducibility was prevalent , although at the same time given ideological denial , in modernism , itself .
2 And then he wondered who she was in love with in London , to have kept a watch on another time ; and asked himself why in Christ she had come with him , in that case ; and at the same moment reflected about some plays , for he truly liked the theatre .
3 Four months in France had quietened her down and at the same time given her a veneer of sophistication quite lacking before .
4 This sort of moral principle , which may be thought to have the backing of international Opinion , and therefore be part of the positive morality of the international community , can readily be dubbed part of natural law , that is , of binding rules of universal application , and at the same time regarded as general principles of international law .
5 ‘ Hi di Hi ’ , the collective address of ‘ Goodnight Campers ’ — these greetings welcomed millions to packaged mass pleasure and at the same time contributed to the growing marginalization of other practices in leisure .
6 It recognized and at the same time limited the importance of Egypt , Mesopotamia and above all Iran .
7 For contemporaries the moral that they order these things better in France was particularly easy to draw , for Neptune had been independently and at the same time predicted by U. J. J. Le Verrier .
8 Anarchist risings in January 1932 , January 1933 and December 1933 , while highly regionalized and easily suppressed , provided evidence of the Republic 's failure to embrace a large part of the Spanish lower class and at the same time helped convince many middle-class Spaniards that Republican democracy was the breeding ground of disorder and revolution .
9 In 1872 , the CWS agreed to do so ; but in 1875 the employees ' right to a bonus was abrogated when delegates to a quarterly meeting of consumers ' societies ‘ swept away the entire bonus system after less than three years ’ trial , and at the same time abolished the United Employees ' Association and the privileges ' — that is , on the purchases of goods — ‘ attached to it , decreeing that employees should share and share alike with other members both as purchasers and as recipients of dividends on their purchases . ’
10 After his father died in 1835 , leaving the business to him , he remained in Liverpool until 1841 , when he moved to Manchester and at the same time entered into partnership with another Liverpool optician under the name Abraham & Dancer .
11 This account of science is indeed overly optimistic but at the same time limited .
12 Her voice sounded strange to her ; weak and croaking , but at the same time filled with a passion she had not known she felt .
13 The CPSU control commission expelled the coup leaders from the party on Aug. 23 , condemning their actions , but at the same time warned against " anti-communist hysteria " .
14 It extended the provisions of the 1965 Rent Act to tied cottage occupants in agriculture , but at the same time provided for a procedure whereby a former worker could be rehoused by the local authority where the farmer could prove that the house was essential to accommodate a replacement worker .
15 Rather , the idea was to see people as simultaneously subject both to natural and instinctive drives while at the same time caught up in the various forms of culture and social relations which human societies construct in a more conscious way .
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