Example sentences of "[conj] he had [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then Corporal Auriega , a fat Spaniard who sweated all the time , arrived back from town where he had been drinking all evening with his friends .
2 However , the majority of MPs expressed their support , pointing out that he had been elected first time to the shadow cabinet , giving him a mandate and the right to the same loyalty which his predecessors , Donald Dewar and Bruce Millan , had received .
3 Now , in retrospect , she could see that marriage to him would have been a ghastly mistake , and that her reaction to discovering that he had been seeing other women while he had been engaged to her had had far more to do with wounded pride than with a wounded heart .
4 But whatever satisfaction Scott may have gained from the debate and the fact that he had been given six months to prepare a new design , it must have soon been dispelled by the public press and the action of some of his professional colleagues .
5 But he knew that he was right and , much more , he felt that he was good , that he had been given this chance to act well , that he must take it and to take it would get him off on a new and better path ; while to succumb would be the broad and easy road to hell .
6 In the instant case the IT were entitled to find that it was not reasonably practicable for Mr Sen to have presented his unfair dismissal claim in time , notwithstanding that he had been given erroneous advice about the time limit by a solicitor in circumstances where he had also been wrongly advised as to the time limit by a member of the IT staff .
7 ‘ It came out in the court that he had been robbing old ladies … confidence trickster was the word .
8 To his surprise she named a reputable dealer in fine art that he had been to see that afternoon .
9 He supposed that he had been rendered unconscious when he had entered his quarters .
10 In 1319 , for instance , the wealthy Genoese merchant Antonio di Pessagno , formerly seneschal of Aquitaine , claimed that he had been granted 3000 l.st .
11 On closer questioning it was found that he had been harbouring strong transsexual feelings for some while and that the injury resulted from an urge to initiate a sex change .
12 Prime Minister Guy Razanamasy on July 30 said that he had been made aware of the imminent attempt the day before it took place and that a " foreign power " was responsible .
13 The master at this time , J.W. , was in trouble when it was reported that he had been boarding some of the officers and two of their relatives in his own apartments under a private arrangement .
14 Dr Nakajima , accompanied on his tour by Dr Jo Asvall , head of WHO 's European regional office in Copenhagen , said that he had been asked several times if Yugoslav funds frozen in the US and other countries could not be used for purchase of medical supplies .
15 I was aware that he had been focusing all his will on this resolve and that to let go now would be an appalling submission .
16 It transpired that he had been sleeping rough for weeks and that his last known address was a Salvation Army hostel 100 miles away .
17 Later , over coffee , Steven broached the subject that he had been waiting all day to discuss with Jennifer .
18 Lewis was more bitter since he felt — as so many of his contemporaries did — that he had been forced all his life to live in Eliot 's shadow .
19 It was believed that Humphrey was a farm worker employed on the Normanby Park estate in the distant Past and that he had been found guilty of stealing from his employers .
20 A word from Maud and he had been given one of the four coveted places as a dresser , which meant he had more chance to learn the great man 's skills .
21 It would be just like Sipotai to attempt overwhelming force , and he had been expecting some kind of reaction ever since he had issued the order for Vortai 's herds to be culled .
22 His beard was grey-white , but discoloured yellow around his mouth as if he had been drooling thin custard .
23 He looked as if he had been conserving all his energy since then for the moment when he took advantage of an error by Butcher to shoot strongly past Woods .
24 He looked as if he had been conserving all his energy since then for the moment when he took advantage of an error by Butcher to shoot strongly past Woods .
25 His success with the coffee machine was acknowledged , grudged but acknowledged , but he had been made aware that there was an argument for calling in the professionals when it came to tampering with the thermostat on the air system .
26 He is retired now , but he had been sent all her possessions some time after the war from the house in avenue Hoche .
27 But he had been woken half an hour earlier .
28 Even though he had accepted general responsibility for his company 's operations , and would probably have agreed to print the books had the decision been referred to him , he could not be convicted unless he had been given specific notice of the offensive material .
29 Some time later , when they were walking back and approaching her apartment block , Luke touched her elbow lightly , startling her , since he had been avoiding physical contact with her all day .
30 Robert had returned from Italy where he had been serving ever since he had been commissioned eighteen months before .
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