Example sentences of "[conj] he was [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They remained in Ottawa after his military service , where he was on the advisory board of a trust company and was close to the excellent fishing of the Gatineau hills .
2 The day was fabulous and David performed extremely well although he was in the blackest of moods .
3 While his parents could only be with him during the occasional break in a hectic schedule , at least Diana knew that he was under the same skies .
4 It is said that he was of a delicate constitution in early life , and was accordingly placed in the care of his uncle , Mr Greener of Hallgarth , near Winlaton .
5 It seemed inconceivable that he was of the same race as the two vibrancers sitting near him ; inconceivable , too , that they shared his art .
6 But now , after his near miss with Hoomey , Nails remembered that he was for the long drop next time — no more cautions .
7 In The fire of Love Rolle emphasises the joyful aspects of his experience and his excitable , intense religiosity gives the reader the impression that he was on a perpetual — even a manic — ‘ high ’ .
8 But she could not see all the way , it was feasible that he was on a lower flight and she would come face to face with him .
9 The warm reception given to Project 90 , designed by John Heffernan and Ken Greenley , provided positive proof to Ward that he was on the right track in his long-term strategy of building a separate and much stronger image for the Bentley marque .
10 His retreat was , however , purely tactical , for the hunter had got wind of his quarry and from early 1869 he began to lay his traps , with the certain knowledge that he was on the right track .
11 It was n't an enjoyable period of his life , but he stuck it out , certain that he was on the right track .
12 Erm , once she walked into W H Smith 's and saw her father , the only difference was that he was on the front page of a magazine so she got quite a shock because she did n't expect to see him .
13 The sound of his voice made her jump , despite the fact that he was on the far side of the door .
14 The strange thing was they did n't seem to mind that he was on the same terms with judges , cops and lawyers .
15 Sometime after we began work he started talking about the King 's Cross railway station fire that killed so many and about the fact that he was on an underground train going through the station at that time .
16 Saved you there , Lexy ! ’ he exclaimed to himself , forgetful that he was on an open channel .
17 Jean-Claude said no one would or could , that he was outside the influential music world : he had not attended the Conservatoire , he was a peasant without contacts .
18 Spike knew that he was within a few moments of termination .
19 . I decided that I did not want to stay until the moment of his death , I wanted to remember him living … but I decided that I wanted to stay just to ensure that he was in a deep peaceful sleep , that he was n't going to suffer … and that 's what I did .
20 Darling 's points were credible in the circumstances ; the only plausible explanation of Shill 's actions after the crime was that he was in a drunken stupor .
21 For a moment Donaldson supposed that he was in a stable but no , the smell was wrong , dry and musty and not nearly so strong as the fertile stink of horses .
22 And now , as he entered Lady Ursula Berowne 's sitting room , Dalgliesh felt for the first time that he was in a private house , that this was a room which the owner had made peculiarly her own .
23 Duncan saw that he was in a bad way , his face grey and wan .
24 Clarke drove on for a further 200 metres before stopping and when he did emerge from the van witnesses reported that he was in a confused state .
25 Oliver started to ask whether they could not drop it and go home , but it struck him that he was in a precarious position and he kept quiet .
26 The official history is that he was in the Communist resistance .
27 Standing on the front seat , Eb felt a rivulet of ice-cold water run down the back of his neck , and found that he was underneath a leaking gutter .
28 Dedicated work in the nets resulted in such an improvement in his batting that he was among the top five scorers in the Cup with 383 runs at 47.87 , including his maiden century against the Leewards , Curtly Ambrose et al .
29 ( c ) Calculate , in terms of days , whether or not Grieg was more ( or less ) efficient in collecting his debts during the year ended 31 March Year 14 than he was during the previous year .
30 Hornblower is no more comfortable with himself as an admiral , commodore of a Baltic convoy , than he was as a junior captain .
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