Example sentences of "[conj] he leave [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His room key and tag feel bulky in his pocket so he leaves them on the table with his newspaper before visiting the well assorted buffet table .
2 But the door closed quietly and he left her on the dark , unfamiliar landing , crying , just like a baby .
3 But he either could n't or would n't understand , and he left it at the back .
4 ‘ The dear man knows that I collect swans , ’ she explained to Merrill and Richard , ‘ and he left it on the hall table with my name on a label around its neck .
5 And he leaves us with the teasing comment : ‘ Weizmann 's fermentation process with regard to oil works ; but that , for the moment , is all that can be stated .
6 He was glad to let the subject drop and they drove in silence until he left her at the gate of Martyr 's Cottage .
7 If he left you in the lurch when you needed him most . ’
8 After several hours Matron managed to calm him down but he left her in a terrible mood .
9 It does not do him justice to say he is on their side , but he leaves us in no doubt about the horror of what Jacob and Rebekah have done .
10 What he has done is describe certain linguistic features of the text which distinguish it from other texts ( he refers to Yeats 's ‘ Phoenix ’ and Tennyson 's , ‘ Morte d'Arthur ’ , as well as instances of non-literary usage ) , and which look as if they may be of some literary significance ; but he leaves it to the literary specialist to determine what the nature of that literary significance is .
11 The Palace was Whibley 's only League club and , when he left us at the end of 1922–23 , he returned to his home town to play for Sittingbourne .
12 When he leaves her for the Gipsy and she dances .
13 She was overwhelmed by a mixture of terror and relief as he left her at the wheel and went forward to free the line .
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