Example sentences of "[conj] he have [been] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only good news to offset my ‘ disgrace ’ was that Father had proved such a success at Marconi 's that he had been appointed an assistant manager in the research department dealing with radio materials .
2 Also on March 25 parties of the so-called " pro-democracy " alliance ( New Aspirations Party , Palang Dharma , Ekkaparb and the Democrats ) held a joint press conference and called into question the credibility of Narong as Prime Minister , in the light of a recent US State Department allegation that he had been denied a visa in mid-1991 because of his suspected ties with drug trafficking .
3 He said that he had been given no information about the departure and even late yesterday , had been unable to reach government officials responsible for refugee matters .
4 Lord Derby complained that he had been given no warnings .
5 Sullivan later claimed that he had been given no instructions on this point .
6 Fortunately , I noticed that he had been given a place at a different school from his older brother and that it was actually a matter of filling in the appeal form requesting a place at another school .
7 His eyes seemed to fasten on her immediately and Maggie had the irritated feeling that he had been given a very uncomplimentary description of her .
8 Was it Dominic 's fault that he had been given the job she wanted so badly ?
9 The fact that he had been given the Elphberg name of Rudolf by a Royalist father was of small importance to him , nor was he at first more than casually intrigued when he woke from a strangely prophetic dream in the forest of Zenda to hear two men discussing the remarkable resemblance between him and the King .
10 Having written a fairly scathing account of this approach in draft , I sent it to John Austin Baker ( as I have also sent my account of their work to Christian feminists whom I discuss in this book for comment ) only to receive a delightful letter from him which rescinded much that he had written , explained that he had been given the title , and essentially agreed with my criticism !
11 French maintained that he thought that the safety catch was on and that he had been struck a blow on the back of the head which had caused him to stagger and pull the trigger .
12 He had never been stripped of his Bulgarian citizenship , and it was officially reported on June 12 that he had been granted a Bulgarian passport .
13 In his book Under Fire : An American Story , published on Oct. 22 , North avowed that former President Ronald Reagan not only " knew everything " about the Iran-contra project but also " enthusiastically " backed it , and that he had been made a scapegoat by senior Reagan administration officials seeking to protect the President and themselves .
14 He blushed guiltily , but the small part of his brain that had been vaguely monitoring the discussion alerted him to the fact that he had been asked a question by the executive producer .
15 Harris , who last season captained the Raleigh-Banana team which has now been disbanded , announced yesterday that he had been offered a contract by the Spanish Lotus-Festina squad .
16 Leopold had already written to Padre Martini urging him to send a letter of recommendation to the Elector and , since Munich was on Mozart 's route from Paris to Salzburg , he suggested that his son intimate to the Elector , or to a close associate , that he had been offered a post at Salzburg with a salary of 700 or 800 gulden ( the actual salary was only 450 ) in the hope that a more rewarding appointment might be offered .
17 The investigation will begin when details are received from Valenciennes over the allegation from defender Jacques Glassmann that he had been offered a bribe from a Marseille official to take it easy .
18 Junqueira later stated that he had been offered a US$50,000,000 bribe to drop the charges , through a colleague who had been approached by a businessman in the capital , Brasilia , on Nov. 17 .
19 The current leader of Nihon Kominto , Ryumin Oshima , made a sworn deposition that he had been offered a total of some 5,000 million yen by several senior LDP figures — including 3,000 million on Kanemaru 's behalf — to stop his group 's loud-speaker barracking campaign against Takeshita .
20 The town 's magistrates heard on Tuesday , in Graham 's defence , that he had been supplied the cannabis by his room-mate , who is a juvenile , and had received no personal gain from his part in the theft .
21 Taylor pointed out one of the things about great players who are given freedom is that they work very hard , and Gascoigne is prepared to do that , even in the knowledge that he has been given a special licence .
22 Mr Marian Calfa is pleading for more time on the grounds that he has been given an even longer list .
23 He comes back two weeks later saying that he has been given the sack .
24 In essence , B's claim can be characterised as asserting that he has been denied the right to a fair criminal trial .
25 I could have told him that he has been elected an honorary member of the Academy Club drinking school run by Oofy Prosser and Stephen Hargrave , in recognition of his services to literature .
26 It will be Lt Col Stewart 's first public appearance since it was announced that he has been awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his courage and leadership during his tour of duty in Bosnia .
27 It will be Lt Col Stewart 's first public appearance since it was announced that he has been awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his courage and leadership during his tour of duty in Bosnia .
28 Like his brothers Richard agreed to accept rather less than he had been offered the previous autumn : half the revenues of Aquitaine , but this time only two residences , and apparently unfortified ones .
29 Harry 's great merit was that , once he had been given the ball , he was a speedy and direct raider .
30 Any intelligent man , once he has been given the opportunity to voice his feelings , will understand just what he has done and be able to see that it makes no sense at all to build upon an isolated failure when he has a lifetime of ‘ successes ’ about which he could think .
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