Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Taskopruzade 's statement that he came back at the request of a repentant sultan is , of course , highly doubtful in view of the fact that his departure and return seem certain to have occurred in the reigns of different sultans .
2 He is 33 , he appears unstoppable , and he is perfectly aware that he came back from the grave .
3 I persuaded a friend of mine to visit the summit one evening and he was so taken in by the view that he stepped back from the trig point and disappeared over the edge of the crag that crowns the top .
4 There was nothing worth watching on television , so he went back into the kitchen .
5 He wrote what must have been the one of the shortest letters of all time , and he wrote back to the editor of The Times and he said , dear sir , in answer to your question what is wrong with the world
6 She released him and he fell back on the crumpled bedclothes to stare up at her at first blankly .
7 He became very dissatisfied and he came back to the U K.
8 And he went back to the bin .
9 The dinner , Maxim decided , would be best remembered as ‘ nourishing ’ , and he went back to the ante-room to do something about the taste of it .
10 He said , ‘ That is a pity ’ , with his smiling , still mouth , and he got back in the car and drove away , and Elizabeth went back in the house , and all the day she cried , and I went away to the hills .
11 But already the noise was diminishing , the violence of the anger subsiding as rapidly as it had built up , and he looked back at the audience to see people taking their places again , Gerrard and the earphoned men in shirtsleeves moving quickly and purposefully among them , urging them into seats .
12 A movement caught his eye and he looked back at the man standing on the steps of the rear coach .
13 He was shadowed everywhere in Sheffield , and he looked back on the experience as his most annoying transfer hid — particularly as it turned out to be one of his rare failures .
14 So he cries and he goes back to the beach .
15 The situation became funnier and funnier and he lay back on the bed shaken by deep gasps of laughter .
16 ‘ That 's it , then , ’ Joe said , and he lay back on the bed with the receiver to his ear and the handset held on his chest .
17 When he has not seen the man he has hoped to see , his long spine slackens and he falls back upon the red vinyl of the booth with his eyes closed and his foot shaking in a livid tic .
18 It 's a fix , thought Zen , and he edged back against the wall .
19 ‘ Dio mio , ’ he growled , and he leaned back against the wall , folded his arms across his chest , and prepared to wait out the boredom of the long moments ahead .
20 And he turned back to the Toyota , reaching in to the rear seat and coming out with the blasting plunger .
21 But his mouth suddenly tightened and he turned back to the sterilizer in dignified silence .
22 He was more in command of his emotions now , and he turned back into the room .
23 John Lucero stayed around so long everyone thought he was a local until he went back to the States .
24 Even when he was small , out hunting , and broke his arm , could n't wait until he got back on the horse , used his stock for a sling and rode home . ’
25 ‘ He will be satisfied if he gets back on the Irish team , but it is not possibility he could push himself right to the forefront . ’
26 If he gets back into the England team it will be deservedly so . ’
27 ‘ What if he comes back without the girl ?
28 ‘ He was in Singapore last week , but he came back at the weekend , I know , ’ she observed innocently , hating herself for needing to know so badly .
29 He told the gatekeeper to keep vigil while he went back to the station for assistance .
30 ‘ She 'd hold out for a while but it would always be made up after he came back with the roses .
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