Example sentences of "[conj] he [verb] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 News of the men 's golf included Mr. H. le Fleming Shepherd 's efforts in the Amateur Championship at St Andrew 's where he reached the 3rd round .
2 In 1734 he was appointed Bishop of Cloyne , eventually moving to Oxford in 1752 , where he died the next year .
3 Flaherty said to be sure this was true , although he misremembered the last time they 'd been called on to supply them , it being all of two years since the Wolfkings had been driven out by the Gruagach .
4 However , we know from Yeats 's letters even more than his poems that he thought the last possibility for aristocratic ease in the arts had disappeared when Robert Gregory was shot down over France in 1915 .
5 It was while he was travelling to South Africa in 1899 via India that he became the first man ever to take a cine-film of a total eclipse of the sun .
6 Dworkin makes it clear that he considers the second principle to be the more fundamental one under a liberal conception of equality .
7 ‘ But how does a young American lady — ’ and he stressed the last word slightly ‘ — come to be alone and seeking work in London ? ’
8 Several clubs from the Football League sought to tempt Harry away from the Palace , but without success , and he became the first Palace player to be awarded a Benefit by our club — it was the Southern League encounter with Coventry City at the Palace on 12 October 1912. 9,000 fans turned up and the Palace won 3–0 .
9 His heart was thudding hard against his ribs and he felt the first droplet of perspiration pop onto his forehead .
10 Well you took all this sort of things in your stride but the next day we heard about these houses being knocked down , you see , and I think that 's the nearest I 've been to be killed but one day , one Saturday and that was in a daylight raid , one Saturday afternoon because , you see , I was off every afternoon but I worked till ten every night , you see , and er so erm but of course Hugh worked during the day and he was off in the evening , that 's why he used to come down to see , to see us and er he used to come in er you see and leave his lodgings and , oh be about nine o'clock and he spent the last day up there perhaps with his friends , have a chat , and er , you see , and but er and I was walking along it was called and suddenly a plane came over and I thought oh I expect it 's one of ours .
11 By 1848 the Count had become an important figure in the administration of Hungary but the prospects of civil war and revolution led to his nervous collapse and he spent the next decade in an asylum .
12 but , with , with this walk down into this , this dip so I had to get underneath and I said where 'd you park ? and he said the second floor taking the piss , so apparently three of his other mates who were well dressed up as well , and he , he said race ya , so I started off fucking , so he , he started off running through the thing right , cos said race yeah , he went , apparently I just climbed up the outside of the building climbed up two fucking flights of floors , you know , I ca n't remember anything about it though .
13 His reading of the First Symphony is second to none and he includes the first movement exposition repeat .
14 Panic leapt up in his breast and he swallowed the last quarter of an inch of his coffee , muddily tepid .
15 David Rees is Chairman of the Law Committee , and he introduced the first morning session , which dealt with the new rules for Administration Orders in personal insolvency .
16 His voice had dropped lower and lower , until he was almost whispering , and he let the last question hang in the silence .
17 Powell , taking a quick penalty , fed skipper Gander on the burst and he broke the first line of defence to surge clear .
18 Housman , would lecture on the lyrical poetry of Horace , expounding each text in uncompromising earnest until he reached the seventh ode of the fourth book , " Diffugere nives " .
19 The idea being that if he spends the next couple of weeks explaining to all the other people there why he ca n't keep his hands off women he wo n't want to be unfaithful any more and his wife will forgive him .
20 Quinn can give the bookmakers a caning today if he scores the first goal of the game .
21 Driver Colin McRae is champion for the second year running … he 's won all six rounds of the home championship … and if he becomes the first Brit since 76 to win the rally he 'll land the bonus prize of a hundred thousand pounds …
22 He spoke without conviction , as if he believed the last phrase was something he was obliged to say rather than genuinely believed .
23 He knows that if he fails the first time , he 'll win the second time , if not the third time .
24 But he had the last laugh — the Blades dumped Manchester United 2–1 on the opening day !
25 Simon Wigg says that everybody was laughing at him because the bike looked so different but he had the last laugh … won the title and that 's what it 's all about …
26 But he posted the second letter now , before he took the Bakerloo line to Kilburn .
27 He lowered his head because he remembered the fourth person all right , but he did n't want to tell Ezzie about it .
28 The needle slipped into his blue-veined arm and he closed his eyes while he felt the first rush .
29 While he spent the first month of his new appointment easing himself in and still nipping up to Edinburgh to round off one or two NHS tasks from London ( where he kept his home and from which he was commuting during his health job ) , many of the key decisions affecting the telecommunications industry over the next year or so have already been taken , so the learning curve will not have to be so dramatics last time .
30 The Reverend W Awdry has lived and breathed Thomas the Tank engine ever since he wrote the first book about the lovable locomotive in 1945. 25 more books about Thomas and his friends followed Mas well as popular TV series .
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