Example sentences of "[conj] are [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As children are those that are most at risk from impact by vehicles in housing areas , any search for safer streets should focus principally on them ( Figure 2.5 ) .
2 Although it is probable that the same applies to established onshore centres , the fact is that it is the offshore centres , especially those in the Caribbean , that are most at risk from drugs money .
3 Commentary articles deal with issues in , or arising from , research that are also of interest to readers outside research .
4 It seems to be one of the things actually that people that are home on holiday to Orkney , you know , maybe you have lived here in the past and Orkney cheese is one of the things they want to take back with them , a farmhouse cheese .
5 He describes the features of the four main systems that are currently in use in the UK and illustrates their application with reference to examples drawn from retail analysis and store location , market research , credit rating and target marketing .
6 He dictated to her many of the hymns that are still in use by the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist — many of whose tunes are exactly the same — bar one or two notes — as the ones the real John Wesley cobbled together in the eighteenth century .
7 Several of the people that I have dived with have been grossly overweight , enjoyed being so , and are completely at home in the water swimming around like walruses .
8 When people fall short of their standards , and are thereby in breach of their injunctions , somewhere inside they start to feel badly about themselves , and to begin to doubt their worth and acceptability .
9 On any reasonable system of accounting , the second-hand and rare book departments are losing money and are heavily in debt to the other side of the business — ’
10 and are both on holiday at the moment so I am writing in their absence about a recent print job Req No 239886 .
11 They have effects which would seem to be self-defeating and counter-effective , and are probably in contradiction with the United Nations ’ own principles concerning the freedoms of information and knowledge .
12 Erosion has also revealed many fossils in the past — the bones of a dinosaur were discovered here in 1913 and are now on view to the general public in the museum at Dorchester .
13 The discredited test was used since the Seventies to identify impurities , and many owners were given clean bills of health on houses which subsequently were found to be contaminated and are now in danger of collapse .
14 Domestically inclined spirits , they are happiest when warmly ensconced by the grate or hob over a kitchen fire , and are more at home in the country than in a city or town .
15 , left , and are certainly on top of it all in the steeping area .
16 Mr Narita 's acquisitions were seized and are still in storage in Geneva where , thanks to the art market slump , they have lost anything up to 75% of their value .
17 Your fine capital fully justifies its appellation , the Pearl of the Orient , and the people in its streets seem content and happy and are obviously at ease under your benevolent governance .
18 Older women are less likely to remarry than younger women ( Ermisch , 1989 , pp. 50–1 ) and are consequently at risk of poverty in old age unless , unusually , they have been able to generate an adequate income through their own resources .
19 Although the reasons for observed variations in pregnancy and delivery complications by maternal age and parity are not full understood , the fact of these differentials remains , and when women are in the very early or late childbearing ages , of zero or high parity , they are at risk and are therefore in need of care and of health and family planning information and service .
20 Even if we have not drafted early-day motions and have not seriously studied their subject matter but are broadly in favour of the sentiment , we stick our names at the bottom .
21 Other users may have Manager privilege , but are always beneath MANAGER in the hierarchy .
22 Other users may have Manager privilege , but are always beneath MANAGER in the hierarchy .
23 Its magnificent sculptured bronze doors still exist but are now on view inside the church , hung on the inner side of the west portal .
24 About , for example , the internal problems in what was the Soviet Union , a story we began some years ago , but are now in danger of leaving hanging in the air .
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