Example sentences of "[conj] for the [noun sg] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are no committee members , no officers , and no hard plans for the future , except for the hope that the people at this meeting will go out and spread the word in other parts of the country .
2 The bare infinitive expresses a possibility which was not realized in this use and is therefore conceived in the same way as it is with the modal auxiliaries , as a mere potential , except for the fact that no particular form of potentiality is attributed to it .
3 When it landed , the Americans had no steps tall enough to reach it , a gratifying start except for the fact that the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and his party had to climb down an emergency ladder hand over hand .
4 A and B might well have features in common from the outset ( the c elements in the figure ) and these will produce primary generalization — training on A will give associative strength to stimulus elements that are present also in B. The X representation functions in just the same way as the c elements in producing generalization except for the fact that the ability of A and B to activate X is based on prior conditioning .
5 This would be a consumer sale except for the fact that the goods are not consumer goods within the meaning of s 12(1) ( c ) .
6 On the other hand , a contract which , under such conflict of laws provisions , would be governed by the laws of any part of the UK , except for the fact that the parties inserted a governing law clause specifying a foreign proper law , may still be caught by the UCTA .
7 Even when allowance is made for a certain diversion of effort from new house-building to repair , and for the possibility that the average size of the houses built in 1947–9 is slightly above that of those built in 1934–8 , the contrast remains startling .
8 In the context of the operating theatre , the indexical use of the sign allows for the identification of a particular scalpel , and for the recognition that the surgeon is giving an order .
9 On a view of the facts as a whole , and making every allowance both for the finding as to the intention of the plaintiffs and for the fact that the learned judge saw and heard the witnesses , which we have not , I conclude that the facts found by him were not sufficient in law to constitute adverse possession .
10 Now I find myself alone — that is irrelevant in terms of what happens to me , but for the idea that the Lord was homosexual , and for the perverted practices on his dead body not to be seen to be blasphemous if the case is lost — about that I am lost for words !
11 This scheme was shrewd , but for the fact that the ‘ crumbling ’ in England came too late , when much SNP support had already drifted to Labour in expectation of a hung parliament , and was n't registered at all in the polls .
12 Thus the company responsible for the hoist accident at Littlebrook Dee power station were not prosecuted for the fact that five men died , but for the fact that the machinery was not properly maintained or inspected .
13 But for the fact that the rioters supported the Government , itself widely believed to regard the riots with tacit approval , it could have been said that the country was on the point of revolution .
14 Erm , I do n't like it er , not for particularly any religious reason but for the fact that the church is purpose-built for weddings and a lot of hotels are n't , so you get the girl with the ball gown , spent hundreds on it , and she 's squeezed up sometimes and nobody can see her !
15 It 's not a college , or even a church , but a Victorian town house , really rather unremarkable but for the fact that the man tipped to become the next American President used to live there .
16 The mouth is stretched in what would be a howl but for the fact that no air is passing .
17 They would long ago have vanished but for the fact that a powerful tide daily takes most of this pollution out to sea .
18 They would have been chewing the carpet but for the fact that the floor was concrete .
19 For example , detaining a child would be false imprisonment but for the fact that the law permits a teacher to carry out a reasonable punishment .
20 I doubt whether the legend of Dom Pérignon would necessarily have survived to this day but for the fact that the Abbey of Hautvillers , where he devoted his life to the perfection of wine , happened to be in Champagne .
21 The exception merely illustrates the general defence , volenti non fit injuria , and would not need special mention here but for the fact that the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords have considered it expedient to take particular notice of it .
22 As for the possibility that the Orpheus and other mosaics from Withington might be the midway step of a distributed relationship ( between the former two and the latter ) — this , too , seems unlikely .
23 As for the claim that the Cuk converter approaches 90% efficiency and produces minimal RF interference , exactly the same claims can be made for well-designed standard topologies .
24 As for the claim that the older acts and the common law had allowed the imposition of harsher penalties , this was not for the simple fact of combination but for activities linked with industrial disputes that could have attracted prosecution for riot , intimidation , assault or destruction of property as much after 1799 as before .
25 As for the view that the provisions of the Common Fisheries Policy ( and , in particular , the provisions relating to the quota system ) constituted a derogation from the fundamental principles of the E.E.C .
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