Example sentences of "[conj] for [art] [num ord] few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Oh absolutely , yes I 'm not arguing about that , and as I said , heaven forbid that should happen , erm another point I did pick up from one report was that in the eight years war , and you 're quite right , the Iraqis are battle hardened , but the Iranian air force apparently could n't bomb Iraq to any great consequence except for the first few weeks of the conflict .
2 Although the night-time itching has been put down to the nocturnal habits of the mite , it is interesting that for the first few weeks of infestation , when the mites are presumably just as active , there are often no symptoms at all .
3 In the Balkans it meant that for the next few years Bulgaria under Stambouloff would look to Austria-Hungary ( and even , a little , to Turkey ) , for fear of Russia .
4 Joey relaxed , happy in the knowledge that for the next few weeks at least , the place would n't run dry of drugs .
5 He had his eyes closed , and for the first few moments Belinda kept hers open , so she could see in extreme close-up the blurred crescents of his dark lashes resting on the smoothly tanned skin of his cheeks .
6 The teachers were very helpful and caring , and for the first few days I thought I was getting on quite well with my new classmates .
7 Throughout the field investigation there will obviously be exchanges of information between the engineering , operational , flight recorder and pathological investigators , and for the first few days at least there will be regular meetings for mutual consultation at the end of each day 's work .
8 He 'd been making some records but they were n't successful and for the first few weeks after I 'd met him and decided to work with him , I was listening to songs that he 'd written , and was in the process of writing , and came to the conclusion that he was not essentially a singles artist .
9 So he decides to be cautious and for the first few laps , he just sits and waits .
10 With Lindsey 's Corsair being the only one of its type in Europe , airshow organisers had to approach him if they wanted a Corsair in their flying display , and for the first few years John Allison and Lindsey flew all over Europe with the aircraft .
11 For many years , both in the days of glassfibre and for the first few years of plastic , there was little variety in the shape of boats in general recreational use .
12 Rachel Sims ( Mrs Miller ) is still serving with the Metropolitan Police Force , and for the last few years had been at the rank of inspector , until recently holding the post of Staff Officer to the Deputy Assistant Commissioner in charge of the North West London .
13 It was near the end of August , and for the last few days it had been like high summer .
14 But for some reason , Tina had adopted him in her rough , kindly way , and for the last few months school life had been bearable .
15 I was conscious soon after , and for the next few hours was in a state of half-sleeping , half-waking , yet aware of the presence of a pretty young nurse , perhaps Thai or Korean , who alternated between giving me sips of water and jabbing a needle in my bum .
16 Marilla agreed , and for the next few days Anne planned what she would put in her cake .
17 The harvest had started , everyone else was out in the fields , afraid it would rain , and for the next few days Libby and George joined in , stooking and carrying sheaves which they could seldom get to balance .
18 But it was not now so easy to get rid of Anselm : he refused either to comply with Henry 's demand or leave the country , and for the next few weeks he lived quietly on his manors .
19 No. 1–20 passed into the hands of London Transport and for the next few months continued to work as before .
20 When Mary I married Philip of Spain she decreed they ruled England jointly , and for the next few years until Elizabeth came to the throne the following strange convention was adopted for recording their regnal years : On 17 March 1649 the monarchy was abolished and during the period until parliamentary government was overtaken by the Restoration , English official documents were dated by the year of grace .
21 To elude Khomeinis avenging angels , Behbehanian went underground and for the next few years lived incognito at the homes of various friend , particularly in Switzerland .
22 In 1830 Artis returned to Castor and for the next few years divided his time between his business interests in Doncaster and small-scale excavations at Castor .
23 He felt estranged from his father and his new family , and for the next few years was back and forth between Cairo and Alexandria living with his uncles and attending different schools .
24 And er but er we got to know them eventually , but for the first few weeks , whilst we were in Devon , I think the five foreigners sort of got landed .
25 He was n't yet quite in the Michael jackson class , but for the last few months the little boy had been difficult in the extreme .
26 Until the recent arrival of Joanna Lumley , the only thing Lovejoy was likely to leap into was his open-topped Morris Minor , but for the last few episodes he 's been gleefully doing more bedding than bidding .
27 It 's not about violence or brutal police officers and I say that because for the last few years there 's been an awful lot of publicity about the particularly in the Metropolitan area and I ask you you will have read some terrible things about certain police officers .
28 Noel 's colleagues all wish him well and the very best of health in his retirement , which fortunately is only partial since for the next few years he remains with us as Research Professor in German .
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