Example sentences of "[conj] was [adj] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In my judgment , Parliament intended to and did provide a simple and expeditious method of dealing with a person arrested without warrant by a constable who had reasonable grounds for believing that that person had broken a condition of his bail , or was likely to break a condition of his bail , or was likely to fail to surrender to custody .
2 Nor was this listening a matter of self-induced disgust .
3 Even the family allowances , though based in their present form upon the experience and conditions of the inter-war years — when Seebohm Rowntree 's surveys in York suggested that one male in four earned less than was necessary to maintain a man , wife and two children above the poverty line — consist of a simple system of payments and enter into budgetary habits and expectations no more and no less than the fiscal allowances , of which I once suggested to a CPC conference they might be regarded as an extension .
4 I was still trying hard not to rock the boat , not to upset either the FO or WTN , and was desperate to find a way of making uncontroversial remarks sound interesting .
5 He was charged with breaking the ‘ Five Mile Act ’ and was due to pay a fine of £190 .
6 A few weeks ago I picked up a tray of plants from the greenhouse border and was delighted to see a baby toad sitting in a hallow in the soil .
7 This year Sally raised a total of £384.65 and was delighted to receive a plaque for the highest amount raised by an individual .
8 When Anthony arrived spent and ill-looking from the hospital later that evening , Julia handed him the thin yellow sheet and was relieved to see a lightening in his dark grey eyes and a faint smile on his thin lips .
9 Cadfael took the key from the porter , who hovered with slightly anxious sympathy , and was relieved to see a delinquent for whom he might be held responsible returning docilely to his prison .
10 Mad Carew is a diligent reader of The Times Literary Supplement and was pleased to note a review by social work professor Bob Pinker of the London School of Economics .
11 I decided to seek the damage estimate at a dealership other than Brunt and Davies and was pleased to find a choice of three , all close by .
12 David Dale had been worried by the anarchistic stirrings in France and Europe and was anxious to provide a working environment that would satisfy and care for his work force , as well as increase production .
13 After a photographic session near the Palace Gates I was just about at the end of my tether and was thankful to catch a taxi back to Liverpool Street Station and home .
14 ‘ I went up the nave and was surprised to see a man , cowled and hooded , kneeling at the entrance to the Lady Chapel . ’
15 She turned to the other girl and was surprised to see a glint of tears .
16 She could see him trembling in anticipation , and was surprised to feel a twinge of excitement in her own loins .
17 In my first book , Death and the Visiting Firemen , back in 1959 , I made my detective a schoolmaster ( as my father had been ) and was able to use a teacher 's summing-up of a class of twenty or thirty potential delinquents as a parallel for an investigator 's examining of six or so suspects .
18 He possessed the gift of being able to release in individuals their potential for being more sensitive towards the feelings of others and was able to generate a spirit of loving care : such a vital pre-requisite for creativity , personal growth and self-confidence .
19 However , Mr. Danse , the Vicar , was pretty shrewd and was able to strike a deal with Sir Henry Herbert of Bewdley , the presenter of the petition .
20 and he had tagged the top of Arthur 's Seat and was astonished to see a crowd there .
21 He no longer accepted determinism and was willing to see a meaning in the words ‘ free will ’ .
22 The general apologized for the dearth of corned beef sandwiches , but was able to produce a mutton broth , lamb , potatoes and cabbage and a bottle of Hock to go with it .
23 I gave up the idea of tea , but was able to make a washer in the afternoon with rubber from an abandoned tyre .
24 Norman could hear but was unable to move a muscle .
25 The jury returned verdicts of not guilty on 52 counts of child abuse but was unable to reach a conclusion on a further 12 such charges against Raymond Buckey , and on a joint conspiracy charge against the two .
26 The original 33-month trial ended in January 1990 when the jury returned verdicts of not guilty on 52 counts of sexual molestation , but was unable to reach a conclusion on a further 13 counts .
27 One intended to go to Gateshead college full time for a year to do five GCSEs , but was unable to get a grant or income support because she did not qualify under the 22-hour rule and so reluctantly decided to attend part time instead .
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