Example sentences of "[conj] was [verb] to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thankfully I 've forgotten it all now and I have to look at it as something that was flattering to me at the time .
2 Or , here 's a letter that was sent to me by Teresa from Birmingham .
3 But if they died , there was a very young family , a young wife , needing financial independence that was given to them by you , with a life insurance policy .
4 The Editor is grateful for the help that was given to him by catering personnel at MOD Stanmore who supplied the photographs and RAF Uxbridge .
5 I well remember a little cardigan from a High Street store that was given to me for my ( then ) six-month-old baby .
6 ‘ Being a hijra was the only possibility for me ; there was no other career I could have pursued with the body that was given to me at birth .
7 There 's also a big , gold jewellery box that was given to me by my godmother .
8 I refer to a parliamentary answer that was given to me by the Under-Secretary of State for Employment , the hon. Member for Mid-Worcestershire ( Mr. Forth ) .
9 First of all I 'm surprised at the outburst that was given to us by Mr I would regard as my er yahabeebee and sadiki if you wish er , but he mentioned in fact the er , what used to be barbaric ac , barbaric er practice in er Pakistan .
10 ‘ She is not without intelligence , but the harm that was done to her at birth is irreversible . ’
11 I 'm very sorry chairman , er Mr n and I were checking er a point in response to a question that was asked to me during the break .
12 MI6 never appreciated the amount of opposition that existed within Germany to Hitler and the Nazi party in its early days and as a result failed to exploit the very considerable amount of information that was offered to it by well-placed anti-Nazi groups .
13 Then he saw the hand , its fingers curled , as if trying to drag the sprawled body that was attached to it across the room .
14 Tony Visconti : ‘ At that time , we had gone into the studio to record ‘ The Man Who Sold The World ’ , and the horrible thing that was happening to me as a producer , the nightmare of my life , was that David and Angela were becoming totally entwined and enraptured with each other .
15 I respect er the view that was put to me in the extract from P P G twelve , but i nevertheless think that this is a matter of principle because it does n't apply to a particular res western route , it applies to all the western routes .
16 Will the Minister respond urgently to the constructive plea that was put to him for help through which Northumberland could ease those budgetary restrictions this year and , of course , for an eventual change in that system ?
17 The third report I know of came from the Johannesburg Sunday Times of 14 February , 1982 , and was sent to me by a medical colleague .
18 She lived at New Houses , and was related to me in a mixed up kind of way — her father and my grandmother were cousins , but what that made me to Miss Bayles I can not imagine !
19 But , we know that April was a low figure , we also know that July and August are low a figure which comes out from this graph and was given to me by the director yesterday , is a genuine average which is turning out to be between a hundred and a hundred and ten placements per month twelve hundred to fourteen hundred placements per year a thr over a three year average residency period three thousand six hundred to four thousand two hundred placements in residential care , where then is the real problem .
20 He was wearing a burgundy-coloured bomber jacket and jeans and was thought to me in his mid to late teens .
21 Charlotte had found something that Emily had written , and was talking to her about it .
22 She shared none of his growing absorption in politics but was attuned to him in the world of magic .
23 The ownership which the sellers were thus given in the handbags was not , however , reserved to the sellers but was granted to them by those who would otherwise have been the owners , namely the buyers of the leather .
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