Example sentences of "[conj] it can [be] [vb pp] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 We need to get it onto management information databases [ MIS ] , where it can be accessed and used by the EIS system when required .
2 They 've changed quite the opposite way because er I now know that it can be done and how important advertising is to the even to the local businesses .
3 Release information in limited quantities so that it can be absorbed and understood .
4 Software , could be designed in such a way that it can be exchanged and regularly updated including information on subjects such as C O S H H , labour law and industrial relations and social groupings within the G M B structure .
5 I have tried to convince you that problem solving is important and that it can be taught and learned by means of guided problem solving .
6 But here again the knowledge is so practical , so much preconditioned by behaviour , that it can be taught and is taught mainly by doing what they are told to do on particular occasions and by not being allowed to do or to touch certain things that are always within their experience .
7 I would like to see existing provision improved by upgrading the Pencaitland railway path so that it can be cycled and walked in all weathers .
8 Servicing valves should be fitted in both the inlet and outlet pipes of the softener so that it can be removed or isolated for maintenance without the need to turn off the mains water supply .
9 If the objective is to maintain the company 's reputation , then some attempt must be made to define ‘ reputation ’ in useful terms such that it can be measured and evaluated .
10 contains an administrative block of data known as a ‘ module header ’ , formatted so that it can be read and analysed by LIFESPAN .
11 Contains an administrative block of data known as a ‘ module header ’ , formatted so that it can be read and analysed by LIFESPAN .
12 His group backed in particular an immediate ban on exports to the Third World — ‘ while accepting our moral responsibility … to take back some of that waste so that it can be recycled or dealt with in an environmentally friendly way which is not possible in the Third World ’ .
13 Organically grown produce is packaged so that it can be identified and so that it may be distinguished from other produce .
14 When you have finished with the artwork , it can be stored in a stiff envelope or a file , along with the component layout diagram , so that it can be modified or re-used at a later date .
15 It is important to be aware of the various hazards of retirement so it can be understood and interpreted in terms of the individual 's own feelings and priorities in life .
16 A carrier is fixed by knots or capstan windings to the line , and it can be raised or lowered simply by rotating the secondary kiteline around the triangle .
17 Suffering , then , may be appropriate if it can be borne and can contribute towards greater authenticity .
18 All that is rather peculiar but it can be digested and lived with .
19 ‘ It is impractical to say that we should set some timetable for ending discharges without any idea whether it can be achieved or not . ’
20 He calls action oriented to success ‘ strategic ’ when it can be understood and evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in influencing the decisions of other social actors ( typically in the worlds of politics or business ) .
21 The famous Chapter 5 of the first book , which deals with the transformation of labour from a stage where it is a ‘ part of life ’ to a stage under capitalism when it takes on the imaginary form of a thing separate from the labourer , when it can be bought and sold , is worked out in Formen , in the discussion of tribal , oriental , and ancient societies which it contains .
22 There is no gainsaying an actual example , especially when it can be dissected and its structure understood .
23 Faber is introducing a new vertical blind called Uprite which has aluminium slats and will give unequalled service as it can be washed and re-hung immediately .
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