Example sentences of "[conj] it was at the time " in BNC.

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1 We experienced the operation of a principle widely applicable and perhaps more generally recognised now than it was at the time of the events I have recorded .
2 Teacher education is a smaller scale enterprise than it was at the time of the events I have recorded .
3 The mathematics curriculum is much broader now than it was at the time of the 11+ .
4 Is my right hon. Friend aware that in many parts of the Yorkshire and Humberside region unemployment is significantly lower than it was at the time of the previous election , and that what the regional CBI fears above all else is the havoc that would be caused by a Labour Government , with their commitment to a statutory minimum wage , which would wipe out so many jobs , and to the European Community social chapter , which would make British industry uncompetitive in world terms ?
5 Then in late July I had my clubs stolen again I had left them for ten minutes at about 9.30pm and when I came back they were gone and it was at the time when I was about to play in two large junior competitions .
6 Right , erm I 've actually got down that erm you assumed that his wife was n't a tax pay sorry , his wife was n't a tax payer and you assumed that she was n't working but you did actually pick back up on that later that she was n't that she was n't going back to work after having the children so erm tt that is now irrelevant but it was at the time that you were saying it , that you did n't actually pick it up .
7 Faith coming before and bringing about healing is as real to many Christians today as it was at the time of the Gospel .
8 ( It does seem a little perverse of EMI to have included with these discs the specification of the Sainte-Trinité organ as it now stands rather than as it was at the time these recordings were made . )
9 Yet to mere man , Venice stands today on a group of islands at the head of the Adriatic very much as it was at the time of the great Doges .
10 I now had a settled crew and witnessed the steady improvement in the PFF methods , but very much trial and error as it was at the time , although in keeping with the Harris momentum .
11 Went through Section Head of various departments and became the A M S there or M P S as it was at the time .
12 The rebuilt barn had been laid out just as it was at the time of the fire in January last year .
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