Example sentences of "[conj] it should be [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Hewart had held both Law Officer positions in the post-war Liberal Government ( although it should be said that his arguments in The New Despotism did not seem to trouble him much in that capacity ) and Marriott , an Oxford academic , also become a prominent Conservative MP .
2 Gower also doubted the usefulness of cost benefit analysis , and although it should be recognised that there are indeed limitations to such a technique , as Veljanovski ( 1988 ) points out , this is not a valid excuse for the total disregard of the appraisal of the cost of alternative systems .
3 The exact form of Economic and Monetary Union was settled at Maastricht with an ‘ opt-in ’ provision for the UK ; whether ( and , if so , when ) the UK will in fact opt in is an intensively political subject outside the scope of this book , although it should be noted that the CBI favours such a union in principle .
4 This has led to the claim that British merger policy has potentially represented a Charter for Conglomerates , although it should be noted that , as discussed in the next subsection , there has been a move away from diversification and conglomerates , especially after the Stock Market Crash of 1987 .
5 In 1991 , she won more matches on clay than any other player , ( 24 ) , and she had the fourth best win/loss record of all players on that surface , ( 24/3 ) , with a percentage success rate of .904 , although it should be noted that , in 7 attempts to date , she has been unable to overcome the dominant hitting of Seles .
6 In Table 1 , an in vivo/in vitro method is described , although it should be noted that there are a number of alternative methods available .
7 The other X , marked with Is ( In7 ; X ) 1Ct , remains unchanged although it should be noted that the anticipated longer length is not always obvious .
8 A more detailed analysis of the degree subject/type of work relationship for polytechnic and college graduates has been provided by Brennan and McGeevor ( 1988 ) , who showed that the percentage of ‘ specialist ’ graduates working in the field of their specialism three years later ranged from 97 per cent in pharmacy to only 24 per cent in 3D design , although it should be noted that employment figures for art and design graduates are particularly problematic ( Barnett 1989 ) .
9 Thus the courts were clearly subservient to the commands of the Communist Party , although it should be noted that the degree of independence available to the courts has varied over time : in the 1930s it was minimal , but after 1956 it became greater .
10 For geological purposes , we are usually only interested in emission in the visible spectrum , although it should be noted that a proportion of emission in some minerals may be in the infra-red or ultra-violet ( e.g. in feldspars ) .
11 This discrepancy might be explained by differences in the species or sex of the animals used , the extent of small bowel resection ( 70% v 80% ) , or the type of carcinogen used , although it should be noted that 1,2 dimethylhydrazine is the natural precursor of azoxymethane .
12 Even more interesting is the effect , if any , on copyright law in the United Kingdom and other common law countries such as Australia and New Zealand , although it should be noted that the previous test in Whelan v Jaslow has not had any notable judicial successes in the United Kingdom even though it has been used in argument on frequent occasions .
13 As at Tockington , the type C arrangement at Halstock is associated with another mosaic which displays a saltire design , ( although it should be noted that the latter appear to be of a finer standard than the former ) .
14 If a payment in is made less than 21 days before the trial , and is not accepted , the court is entitled to take the fact and amount of the payment in into account in exercising its discretion as to costs ( King v Weston-Howell [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 375 ) , although it should be noted that in Bowen v Mills and Knight Ltd [ 1973 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 580 it was held that even one day less was not enough to protect the defendant in costs .
15 The increase in flexibility may be conceded , although it should be added that it commonly only extended to the classic texts , most notably the works of Shakespeare , whose assumed centrality continued to be justified in terms both of their uniquely potent literary rhetoric , and their cultural and imaginative force within " the pool of our common experience " .
16 The 9,714 teacher-days spent in this way during the school year 1988–9 ( a threefold increase since 1985–6 ) reflect a very substantial investment of human and material resources , although it should be added that with about 2,400 primary teachers in the Authority the figures represent a rise from an average of only just over one day 's provision per teacher in 1985–6 to about four days ' provision in 1988–9 .
17 Buildings at Great Chesterford , Margidunum and Camerton might have served as mansiones , although it should be stressed that separate bathhouses are absent , while it is difficult to identify the stables .
18 Although it should be remembered that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance .
19 Although it should be remembered that past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance .
20 The social worker will be like a skilled ‘ friend ’ to them , who can help them in many areas of their life , perhaps by suggesting ways of overcoming loneliness by putting them in contact with the type of activity , club , Day Centre or workshop that would interest them , and arranging suitable transport for this ; or , if they are not particularly keen on group social activities , sometimes by finding individual volunteers to visit them and take them out ; although it should be remembered that no social worker or voluntary visitor can ever be a real substitute for care from their own family .
21 The university list is longer than the polytechnic/college one partly because of the greater range of degrees , and partly because of the greater number of more specialized degrees in the universities , although it should be remembered that specialized patterns of options may exist within broad degree programmes .
22 Further , if sufficient intergranular pore space is present within the sediment , the overgrowth cements will develop planar euhedral crystallographic faces ( Fig. 5.26c , d ) , although it should be remembered that continued enlargement of the overgrowth cements will lead to compromise boundaries between the cements .
23 When my hon. Friend is discussing rights , I ask him to accept that it should be emphasised that a guillotine gags Parliament and many others outside .
24 I am of the opinion that it should be stressed that these are the intentions of the organisers who are in the hands of the operators of Network SouthEast .
25 But where their particular disability impairs their access to the curriculum , this access should be facilitated by alternative means , and it should be recognised that the problem of access may hinder their initial progress , though they may be expected to catch up later .
26 The removal of exchange controls allowed diversification of portfolios to continue on an international scale , and it should be recognised that the increasing globalisation of markets through deregulation and liberalisation also contributed to the growth in holdings of overseas securities .
27 Hence where and it should be recognised that represents the natural resonant pulsatance .
28 Appendix 10.1 provides the analysis of the scores and it should be noticed that it is the ratio of A and B scores that is significant , not the absolute values .
29 On the other hand , this should be clearly stated by those using this approach , and it should be recognized that for policy purposes it is marginal changes in taxes or expenditure that are of most interest .
30 And it should be recalled that in a very short time ( less than three months ) Harris mounted his 1,000-Plan to demonstrate what strategic bombing was all about , but more especially the main reason was to get the Navy and the Army off his back with their insistent and regular demands for bombers to bolster the parlous situation in their theatres of war .
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