Example sentences of "[conj] you [vb past] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was very pleased that you 'd had a good go at that
2 When we were talking just now before the programme started I think you said that you were n't sure that you 'd had a great deal of contact with the university one way or another , but surely you 've been surrounded by university people ?
3 " … giving him the impression , as indeed it would to anyone who did not know the district , that you had secured a well-appointed house or flat in Chelsea , at a very reasonable figure ? "
4 Finally , remember that you had to put a considerable amount of effort into learning the skills that you have today .
5 And that I mean cos Mao said that how that you needed to have a moderate policy , that was the correct one
6 Once you 'd done a new paragraph like they did like this blah blah blah in here .
7 Your arm was broken , and you had had a terrible bang on the head .
8 And you 'd got a little bit of plaster you , you could show the court the next morning , he was going to prison .
9 ‘ If you were Free People and you wanted to strike a shocking , symbolic blow at the family — something that everyone in the country would feel — which family would you bomb ? ’
10 ‘ I would consider it my duty to remain at the salon until you had found a suitable replacement for me , ’ she said primly .
11 If you had to give a phoney address , could n't you at least have picked something that did n't have a remote basis in reality ?
12 Erm just the same as if you had had a good nights sleep .
13 In the example invented , you would have been on much safer ground if you had written a precise account , as follows .
14 If you had written a full answer to each question , how could you have rearranged the word order to draw attention to the most important word or words ?
15 She is a woman indeed ! — in mind , I mean , & heart-for her person is such , that if you expected to see a pretty woman , you would think her ordinary — if you expected to find an ordinary woman , you would think her pretty ! — But her manners are simple , ardent , impressive …
16 Likewise , if you wished to make a single gift to ACET of less than £600 then — assuming that you are a taxpayer — you can enable ACET to get the benefit of tax relief by the same Deposited Covenant arrangement .
17 clip of the ear , nothing like that , but if if you 'd got a black eye .
18 And er and when that was been in the field whatever days , depending on the weather , if you 'd got a good dry summer well you 'd perhaps take it in in after a week , you see ?
19 And if you 'd got a good suit , you 'd take that , then fetch it out for the weekend , so they 'd looked decent , and when you took it back on Monday and he said I 'll have to drop you on that , Ah , so you wo n't this week .
20 And er I like to think that if you 'd bought a nice full-nose Morris in nineteen forty five , and you wanted a replacement in nineteen ninety , you 'd have still got a reasonable Metro would n't you ?
21 If you 'd had a good horse , you asked for hol holiday with er , alright you 'd get it , you would n't do your horse , you know , they 'd take your horse off you .
22 If you 'd had a big fat bottom I might have guessed .
23 If you 'd , if you 'd had a little bit yourself you would n't , you would n't have smelt it .
24 ‘ Well , ’ said Uncle Albert hesitantly , ‘ it would certainly cap everything we 've been doing if you did find a black hole .
25 ‘ And I loved you from the moment I walked into the factory , even if you did have a false impression of me .
26 For example , if you wanted to format a floppy disk in drive A to 720Kb type in :
27 The obvious window treatments in traditional dining rooms are curtains on rods , or under pelmets , or hung from various headings , tied back at the sides , and used with roller , Roman or festoon blinds if you wanted to cut a particular dash .
28 ‘ No one would blame you if you wanted to keep a low profile . ’
29 I. If you wanted to start a new firm for any product you might be attracted by the empty factories and the source of unemployed workers .
30 If you decided that you 're really only interested in long priced horses because you wanted win a large sum of money , so you only started looking at horses that were offered at fifty to one or longer odds than that , then if you look at the statistics then you 'll find that the rate of return on such bets is even lower than the rate of return that we 've quoted on football pools , but on the other hand if you look at horses which are offered , say , at odds-on or at very low odds , evens , two to one and things like that , then the rate of return is pretty close to a hundred per cent of your money .
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