Example sentences of "[conj] you [vb base] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Moorings ' holidays offered through Caribbean Connection range from fully crewed charter to combined hotel and sailing holidays where you stay at an hotel on Tortola or St Lucia , either learning to sail or combining the pleasures of a beach holiday with sailing .
2 I tell your dad cos he called you , he said that you go at a snail 's pace did n't he today ?
3 A savings plan is also an annuity but in this case the cash that you pay in builds up to a sum that you receive at the end of the plan 's term .
4 Yeah , and what did you get you see , you get mutations going on in plants so that you get at the moment when the plants themselves are altered , it does n't necessary , necessary mean that they 're killed off , it does n't necessary mean that they are killed off , it means that the actual genes alter , that they go on breathing so you get ginormous sort of cabbages , you know , cabbages that 'll normally be about that size , suddenly become that size
5 I 'd also like to say , Mr. Chairman , that er , I did n't recognise the hospital you said , where we did this operation , , erm , if you want to , see me afterwards , I 'll tell you that you take at the hospital .
6 Suppose you are reading in poor light , and that you glance at a word for long enough to identify the letters " commerce " .
7 Try to time your walk so that you arrive at the Smithy very early or very late .
8 that you arrive at the interview as well informed as possible and therefore in the most confident and self-assured state of mind .
9 He/she will tell you how much this is at the beginning so you know at the start how much you have to pay .
10 I just want a big comfortable feel , so you look at a sofa and want to curl up in it . ’
11 But once you look at the £10 to £15 bracket , high street champagne is definitely a good deal more impressive .
12 It 's when you pick up one of the guns , feel the metal , that their potentiality strikes you , and you marvel at the precision and care put into them .
13 And you go at the speed that it warrants .
14 ‘ You 're tenacious and you get at the truth .
15 You go into various parts of the er south west , where their labour control and you look at the state of their buildings , and you think , my God , what on earth have the elected members been doing when you actually see the level of rates that they have set .
16 yeah and , and you look at the clock at five too , five too and that 's it
17 They lack confidence , simple as that and one of the things is that as a group you come in and you probably look at people when you and you look at the trainers and the idea is that early on people can do , can keep some eye contact gon na stare you out but just keeping your eyes and do n't flit away and also when you 're under pressure at this stage his eyes challenge you or something like that , then your eyes go down .
18 I mean now , the erm the social workers erm are care managers in a lot of cases , in other words it may be contracted out to somebody else to do the actual caring and you look at the package which the client is getting , you know it might be I du n no some old dear who needs meals on wheels and visits every week or something
19 And you look at the chair just to make sure there is n't a pool on there !
20 But they are n't normal , are they , I mean , you look at N M E and you look at the language they use , I mean , that 's not normal .
21 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
22 Time 's getting on and you glance at the clock ,
23 In your mind you may have to start from the beginning of the paradigm and go down until you arrive at the form you need at the moment .
24 If you stare at a Rottweiler it thinks you are challenging it and goes for you immediately , knocking you down and tearing your throat out .
25 If you remember at the end of yesterday , Mr Donson will no doubt correct me if I 'm wrong , he fige finished up , we started the day with a total guaranteed minimum of about thirty three and a half thousand , we got that up by arithmetic to thirty four point nine thousand , and I think we finished up at around thirty six thousand at the end of the day .
26 Add to that the landing fees ( if you train at an aerodrome that levies these ) and the usual books , maps and equipment , and you ought realistically to be able to come home with your PPL having cost about $6,600 .
27 That there 's always this if you scratch at the surface of happiness and goodness .
28 If you sit at the back of a lecture hall , you 'll get less out of it than if you sit up front .
29 If you sit at the White House in the Oval Office and give orders then nothing will happen .
30 You can also obtain a certificate of posting if you ask at the counter .
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