Example sentences of "[conj] you [vb base] they [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The patches can then be located where you want them among the preamp 's memory locations ( or programs ) , and then called up by a MIDI pedal .
2 If you use this method , make certain that you write them on the board before the talk and that your writing is legible .
3 and you put them in the oven do you ?
4 some notes , and you 'd sim they 'd be numbered and you 'd lift them out and you put them in the carousel
5 I look back now and think we are actually still doing that , not in the military aspect , in civvy street , we 've got people , real nice people , you talk to them on the street and you get them at the kill and the hackles go up , you can see the adrenalin pumping round their body , you can see the kind of excitement in their eyes and you can see the terrier men grabbing by the the scruff of the neck , bleeding and then throwing .
6 yeah , yeah , and you read them in the international section ?
7 I 'll take these clothes down and you fold them on the bed there , nicely , then we 'll put them on the cart .
8 And so if you swam up to somebody who was in difficulty , and you approach them from the front their automatic reaction is to throw their arms around you , do n't let them do it !
9 ‘ But you want more outlets for KITS and you want them in the best and most expensive locations . ’
10 and you roll them down the hill
11 And they go around er and you warn them about the erm the steep steps into the rooms because the oak is quite deep .
12 So you get those two and you add them on the end .
13 And you thread them on the curtains through this little metal ring .
14 walnuts never if you crack them along the seam they never come out whole , you always break into the nut
15 Tea parties are wonderful fun — especially if you hold them in the garden on a hot day .
16 Especially if you get them at the , the far end of the continuum .
17 They would even dry quicker than if you put them over the clothes horse cos that 's what those slats are for .
18 If you put them in the dustbin they will eventually find their way to a land fill site where some unfortunate animal might get caught up in a piece of it .
19 Sometimes the they make a fuss if you put them in the wrong place .
20 Well if you put them in the freezer
21 I think they 'll grow if you put them in the garden eventually .
22 Erm , your Mum wants her pears so if you put them in the fridge they 'll be alright she said they were she picked out nice hard ones .
23 And if you wrap them round the
24 Now they could do you a boatload right off the shelf , nothing down and nothing to pay if you shoot 'em in the right direction . ’
25 A. ( touching her face ) Because if someone 's black , if you touch them in the face you might think your face might get black .
26 if you do them before the exam the
27 Remember to slice the peppers into ribbons lengthways : if you do them in the usual way as rings they will be too curved to slide in easily .
28 If you clear them from the surface regularly , the net will not break under the strain .
29 One of the punters approached the driver of the Bletchley train and said , ‘ if you beat them to the bridge there is a £1 for you at Bletchley ’ .
30 Erm when you see erm Alan John erm if you see them over the next day or two if I can just give you this er these , these little leaflets
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