Example sentences of "[conj] you [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 You can install the program on a hard disk if you have one , or you run it from two floppy disk drives .
2 You ca n't do it with one , it 's too few , and you do n't need three , so you do it with two .
3 Er , she gets that for every ten pounds she 's got to spend , so you multiply it by three point eight , yes ?
4 One if you 're increasing it by forty five percent if it was a hundred percent and you increase it by forty five hundred percent
5 She says you get new ten pound notes , they stick together and you count them as one .
6 You 're no use either , and you taught her for three years at Cambridge .
7 if you hold it in one hand .
8 So even now if you wake me at three o'clock in the morning and sing me one bar of Der Rosenkavalier I will be able to carry on from where you start !
9 So , it 's the difference between audiences : if you put it into one context it 's bad art , you put it into another context , it 's brilliant information .
10 If you subdivide it into four .
11 PS I told Nero you 'd meet him at Dover but I should leave your chariot behind he might not understand if you cut him in two , he 's funny that way .
12 So you could try it like this if we had twenty four we could see what happens if you make them into twos ?
13 What happened if you make them into threes ?
14 It 's to keep you invested in building societies , only they , they 're frantic because all the money 's going out and they want to keep their erm their erm deposits up , so they 're offering these schemes , and they are quite good , there are no charges as such , but er you 'll get the value of the fund that they 've made , or you 'll get a say two or three percent bonus per annum on top of the er share rate , er if you keep it for four or five years .
15 But if you do it in twenty three you 're talking about doing
16 It explained mathematically why the electron had spin 1/2 , that is , why it did n't look the same if you turned it through only one complete revolution , but did if you turned it through two revolutions .
17 You have an allowance if you need it of ten percent on the spot .
18 If you need it in three months ' time , buy it in three months ' time .
19 Grazing and benthic feeding carnivores will take live foods from the aquarium bottom and many are partial to freshly-broken clean live shellfish in their shells , if you anchor them to one spot .
20 You will have realized , for example , that if you crunch your car into your neighbour 's gatepost at 20 miles an hour you will do much more damage than if you nudge it at 10 .
21 if you leave it for two minutes
22 So if you multiply it by six and it 's still raised to the power .
23 I mean in the excitement of buying a car you 're not going to read the small print , you 're not going to read the little bit that says you must have the oil changed every three thousand miles and unless you do it within two hundred and fifty miles of that and not only that , you must send evidence of the service by recorded delivery to you .
24 Oh yes , and of course when you have it for two days you ca n't actually guard your language all the time
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