Example sentences of "[conj] you [verb] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And the question to me is that , where you have got a parliamentary system and where essentially you 're dealing with the backbenchers of the … government in power , can you deliver them ?
2 Then patch the surface with the special filler provided ( one-part types are easier to use than the two-part systems , where you have to mix a special catalyst with the filler paste ) .
3 You dive down a side street where you have spied a festoon of pretty cotton squares , and there , under gaudy painted colonnades , lilac and orange , cinnamon and lemon and rose , in patterns more typical of Marseille or the Levant than of Cavaillon , the retail market stalls are already doing business .
4 Where you want to bend a short length of pipe , it may be better to use a length of hand-bendable flexible pipe .
5 Or you 've done a tiny bit and you need something that 's not
6 Yeah , if it , if it 's an illness , not a simple accident , an accident is probably , or you 've got a rough idea as to how long you gon na be off for .
7 Where you 've got smokers or you 've got an open fire
8 If you wish to continue or you wish to recreate a nineteenth century corporatist local authority that 's fine .
9 except you 've got a slight problem , have n't you ?
10 middle-age crisis and so on and so forth although you know given a certain number of intelligent people they could no doubt build an enormous
11 I was very pleased that you 'd had a good go at that
12 When we were talking just now before the programme started I think you said that you were n't sure that you 'd had a great deal of contact with the university one way or another , but surely you 've been surrounded by university people ?
13 It does n't get at what you want either but it 's one of the system that we 've got So if you write something th that you for a piece of , an essay that you got say a two one for and then you write an appalling piece , you might still get a two one for it under exam conditions
14 " … giving him the impression , as indeed it would to anyone who did not know the district , that you had secured a well-appointed house or flat in Chelsea , at a very reasonable figure ? "
15 Finally , remember that you had to put a considerable amount of effort into learning the skills that you have today .
16 Yes , I can probably give you a brief answer , because er , in that you 've raised a whole host of other things , erm , which erm , er , we need to , we need to think about and , and debate , and I hope we 'll have further occasions to do so .
17 I know that you 've made a particular study of the Muddletonians .
18 ‘ I just want to say that you 've made an old man very happy , ’ he said , leading the way into the high-ceilinged drawing room and pouring Matthew a drink .
19 To find that you 've left a large space for a larege number of flowers none of which turn up .
20 You see , Mr McKillop , although I 'm reasonably happy to accept you as Elsie 's brother and I appreciate that you 've put a great deal of work into tracking her down , I 'm bound to say that I respect Elsie 's wishes to start life afresh and leave her old life behind .
21 It also means that you 've spent a productive few hours studying , which is a major contribution to your weekly workload .
22 And you need to choose a P E P manager per year , so if you 're already with one P E P manager , you 've either got to buy him out and give it to another P E P manager , or you can , you can erm er choose another one each year in other words , I do a different P E P each year , with a different manager , and that keeps everything moving so that you 've got a good spread .
23 Now that 's , no fair comment , I take the point fully er I 'm just saying , you know , that you 've got a thirty five year old , och why the hell do I need a pension .
24 So that you 've got a vague idea of er what 's going to befall you for the rest of today ?
25 Do n't you find , about five o'clock each day , that you 've got a polite smile permanently creased into your face , like rigor mortis ? ’
26 I think that it is sensible , even when you send stuff out to subbies , to make sure that you 've got a reasonable plan , especially when you send out to subbies , because they 're very hard to control anyway and you 've got to make sure that you 've not sent unrealistic targets , either too high or too low .
27 We will return one of the schedules to you when the Account is opened so that you 've got a permanent record of your calculations .
28 The real benefit from this is that you 've got a full page , and a full diary .
29 Okay , so they may ask you to use something which you have n't necessarily had to do before so that they 're really all that the examiner 's testing is that you 've got a little bit of nous , a little bit of savvy and with what you 've got available you can improvise a dressing or use the dressing in a sensible manner so that your casualty 's comfortable and you 're doing the best you can for them , okay ?
30 I mean , that I should be sitting here telling you that you 've got a passionate nature , within ten minutes of meeting you … !
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