Example sentences of "[conj] that [vb past] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I made him close to forty years old and that meant the stubby Mauser he was holding was in good hands .
2 Here I need mention only that my work at the Staff College and the Royal Military College in Baghdad put me under suspicion of espionage , and that had the pro-Nazi rebellion of Raschid Ali of May 1941 ( during which I was given protection in the American Embassy ) been successful , I should have fared badly , as it was surmised much later that I was on the rebels ' hit list .
3 Fenna came offering now only love , huge steady love and joy and that seemed the hardest thing to resist .
4 She wanted to hate him , and on one level she did , but part of her still wanted him , and that seemed the worst betrayal of all .
5 He said : ‘ I 'm desperate to regain a Cup place , and that made the whole episode even worse . ’
6 And that left the reigning title-holder to coast to the line 40 seconds clear of Mansell — but 58 points adrift after 11 rounds .
7 Unfortunately , the forwards were comprehensively outscrummaged and that left the whole team at a severe disadvantage .
8 Because the European Community have been heavily heavily subsidising its farmers right , they were having in order farmers were too successful , we 've had wine lakes , we had erm er butter mountains , we had to get rid of that , that was subsidised on the world market , as a result of that world market prices would come down right and that induced the agricultural government sorry the er American government to support its agriculture right and these chaps estimate that nearly half of the support given to the U S farmers merely offset their losses caused by essentially European Community and Japan subsidising their farmers .
9 And that defined the permanent character of the United States and then what happened subsequently er was of course that the , in the twentieth century , er America evolved into an industrial power erm and certain changes were made to the American constitution which had a profound impact .
10 Statements of evidence were prepared and served in accordance with the rules and a psychiatric report from a consultant psychiatrist was available at court and that gave the early history and background about this very disturbed boy .
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