Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb mod] not [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I want to take seriously the suggestion that the sort of inquiry that Quine has in mind could be the heir to traditional epistemology — although I shall not restrict the concerns of the latter to studying the relation of evidence to theory .
2 A magnified detail drew attention to the skin ; although I could not understand the symbols appended , it looked as if the idea was that the outer skin should have less sensibility , by the withdrawal of nerves and capilliary blood-vessels from the outer layers of the epidermis — in fact , that a sort of hide should develop over the flesh which would render its owner fairly immune to extremes of temperature .
3 Although I can not give the House any good news on that score tonight , I can say that we are considering the matter .
4 This summer , I concluded that the latter was better than the former and I can give my hon. Friend no assurance that I would not reach the same conclusion again .
5 I left the old Frenchman still puffing away at his pipe and returned through the village to the orchard next to Brigade H.Q I had a feeling that I would not see the French family again .
6 I did manage to lose half a stone ( 7lb/3kg ) , but I was so hungry all the time that I would not keep the diet up for longer than a month .
7 I turned away from my crew to demonstrate that I would not discuss the Crowninshield charter any further .
8 I hope that I shall not embarrass the Minister if I commend him again for his imaginative efforts and the time that he has spent abroad trying to develop inward investment .
9 Please tell the King that I shall not show the photograph to anybody .
10 One objection , however , is so obvious that I can not leave the matter there .
11 I now admit that I can not tell the difference — but to hell with it , the sauce is so good !
12 I regret that I can not quote the Minister exactly , but I am sure that he will tell me if my paraphrase is inaccurate .
13 Before any fluttering expectations begin to arise in the minds or breasts — I do not mind which it is — of Opposition Members , I should say that I can not advise the House to write the two clauses into the Bill , because they deal , for example , with administrative matters such as a once-off requirement for a report to be made to Parliament — new clause 2 — and the keeping of a custody record — new clause 10 — that should not be set down in primary legislation .
14 First , an objector might try to press the fashionable distaste for the first-person perspective and say that the fact that I can not apply the theory to myself shows nothing except that one should not approach the philosophy of mind via the first person .
15 I will reaffirm that I can not condone the use of cannabis , nor for that matter daily watching more than 5 hours of TV .
16 Your letter makes so much sense that I can not understand the recommendations of so many manufacturers to regularly fully discharge NiCad batteries .
17 I am afraid that I can not accept the reasoning which has led subsequent Divisional Courts to limit the ambit of that decision : Benson 's case , the Divisional Court in the present case , and Reg. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , Ex parte Walsh , The Times , 18 December 1991 .
18 The instructions say that I can not enter the building after 11 o'clock this morning .
19 I am careful to have my desk angled towards the centre of the room so that I can not see the view from the window across the park towards the lake and the western curve of the South Downs .
20 I was so angry with him , and so depressed about my future , that I could not eat the breakfast .
21 I am afraid that I could not catch the last part of my hon. Friend 's question , but I agree with him about the importance that he attaches to the single market .
22 since I am one of those people who do something the wrong way round , if there is the slightest opportunity , I also inserted the needle incorrectly the first time only spotting my mistake when I read on and found that I could not follow the next instruction if my needle was at the back of the work .
23 With the greatest respect , I must say that I am puzzled and that I could not follow the argument as first expressed .
24 6 Later , in a more morbid vein , he confessed : " I suspected all along that there was little possibility that I would be forgiven for making known publicly that Stalin disgusted me , and that I could not stomach the Nazi-Soviet pact and the events in Finland .
25 But I do n't want to get Barrymore and his wife into trouble , so I shall not tell the police .
26 Although I installed Legato , it was some time ago , so I may not remember the name of the directory where it was installed ; but Windows can provide this information .
27 I too have only one tank at the moment so I can not put the females in a separate tank as suggested by you and most of the books I have read .
28 Sufficient has been written in your columns about the latter match so I will not repeat the facts .
29 But I have already warned you to be on your guard against anything that any anthropologist has ever written about kinship terminologies , so I will not pursue the matter here .
30 I intend to travel extensively during the summer and I may not have the pleasure of meeting you .
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