Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] he [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I came to Macmillan , it was with the greatest difficulty that I telephoned him at all .
2 and I tried all weekend trying to get only there from five to seven , and I got him after five o'clock on Tuesday
3 And I respect him for that .
4 And I asked him about that particular morning 's exercise with the coastguard helicopter .
5 Now , I do n't , the story I quoted was I , I interviewed Lord Marshall on the local radio thing many years ago , and I asked him about nuclear fusion .
6 K has literally just rung over the moon that I had fixed this as her mother is very fond of David and has known him for years — and it is fitting that widow of first Prof of CEGS ( as above ) be included — her dad built up the department enormously and I knew him through European seminars etc via Law Society with and others including who is a Heriot Row neighbour .
7 My sister and I put him to good use .
8 Roughly , those over thirty-five , and I put him in that group , reacted with a mixture of impatience , embarrassment , and guilt .
9 My hon. Friend has chosen a particularly important subject for today 's debate , and I congratulate him on that .
10 I did my best to shepherd the animal out of the room but he did n't seem to know the meaning of obedience and I chased him in vain .
11 but I put him on some medicine I got from the chemist and it seems to have calmed it down but his nose is more er hot and cold
12 I w , but I liked him in that one on a Friday night .
13 Yet , when I saw him on this occasion , he seemed more than usually calm and quiet , which , given that the most painful of interrupters might arrive at any hour , showed that when , in the very essay I was delivering to him , he had talked about the necessity for the ‘ discipline and training of the emotions ’ , he meant what he said and practised it .
14 When I questioned him about this , he replied enigmatically that certain rock formations which had existed when they had arrived , had since disappeared and that he could swear that the rocks in some places had moved closer together .
15 When I press him for more names he suddenly gets the deer-caught-in-the-headlights look , and , deciding he 's already revealed too much , replies , ‘ Ah , just people . ’
16 richly into , for I knew him by these things .
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