Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The tent-pole bag was torn , so I put it on one side with the sewing kit .
2 and I tried all weekend trying to get only there from five to seven , and I got him after five o'clock on Tuesday
3 I used to want to work at the violin , and I played it for two years .
4 I consider that she would have found a job by early Autumn and therefore the sum must be more than a , nearly a year 's earnings and I assess it at eight thousand pounds .
5 His wound was covered lightly with a shell dressing , and I moved it to one side to have a look .
6 so we started to look for something and I wanted a bungalow , I did n't want to house again , just the two bedrooms I thought would be nice , so what we did we found this bu er this bungalow in er out of Crewe in Haslington and er we put up our house for sale , it cost seventeen thousand , five hundred and this bungalow we bought seventeen thousand , six hundred and fifty , so all I had to add was one hundred and sixty pounds , to sell the house , but the house needed change all the windows to put all the windows and the doors because they were all rotting in , you know , because the houses built er before the second world war and er what we did we put up the and in three months ' time , it in three months ' time my house went and we were moved , in September we started to sell , in January we 'd been living in the , in the new bungalow and then about three years later they built a row of bungalows on the other side where there should , should of been , they kept the land , it should of been shops , but then they changed their minds , they did , they did n't build the shops , but they built all these bungalows again on the other side , you 've been to my home , yeah , so the road that , over the road these bungalows were about three years later than ours and they were going down for thirty two thousand pound , and I bought mine for seventeen thousand seven sixty at six fifty , yeah
7 As for his invitation — if I catch you at 1997 with him or any other man , I 'll revoke my decision about the wedding night , and take you to bed immediately ! ’
8 ‘ When I beat Nick for the Barcelona Open it gave me a three-year exemption on the tour but it turned out to be a £90,000 exemption — that 's what it cost me to keep playing until I lost it in 1991 . ’
9 Like tea — we have the same brand each week — but if I know it 's cheaper in one shop I go into that shop , just to get that one thing — like I got it for 1 //6; this week and it 's usually 1 //11; — I like to get the best , but cheaper .
10 In fact I broadcast that material , but I cut it into three programmes , and I , I cut in the questions I would have asked if he 'd actually given me a chance to ask them .
11 ‘ It has emptied our account , but I got it for twelve hundred and fifty francs .
12 I do n't know bloody well like me , because I told her off one day , told her where to bloody go to .
13 I think it 'll be a good one because I got it from one of our clients .
14 We did ask Dorothy to do it after I did it for four years , but she was n't keen and I had to go on .
15 When I wore it for seven hours in wind-driven rain , the jacket only started absorbing water after the fourth hour .
16 When I wrote it in 1971 there was a postal strike , so I took it up to the BBC personally .
17 The town was much as I remembered it in 1919 .
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