Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb past] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By 1920 it was appreciated that the Great War had brought about many changes , particularly in Europe and around the Mediterranean area ; Europe 's domination of the world had been weakened , and there was a marked decline in ‘ colonisation ’ , as well as a gradual change from ‘ British Empire ’ to ‘ British Commonwealth ’ , although it took another war to finalise that process .
2 By 1911 , when Italy 's newly launched first Dreadnought battleship was significantly named the Dante Alighieri , it claimed 50,000 members ; but although it enjoyed considerable official support it had little influence on government policy .
3 In 1976 the Layfield Report , Local Government Finance , suggested that a local income tax should supplement the rates , although it listed many difficulties associated with such a venture .
4 Although it required official sanction to perform intersexing , Roirbak doubted whether Jahsaxa was careless enough not to have seen to that .
5 Under the auspices of Scottish/Canadian editor Andy Gray , the paper was faced with a dilemma and one that it had great difficulty resolving , namely how a paper still steeped in show business traditions could come to terms with a new music that was deliberately and defiantly anti-commerciality and the supposed ‘ circus ’ of the pop world .
6 It will also handle both little and big endian byte ordering so as to be able to run personal computer operating systems such as Windows NT as well as Unix , although the company denied that it had any plans to support NT on it — the capability is simply there if anyone wants it in the future , the company said .
7 A child under 10 incurs no criminal liability for its acts ; a child over 9 , but under 14 , incurs no such liability , unless it is shown that it had sufficient capacity to know that its act was wrong .
8 Since the Great War , 1914–18 , it has been practiced by wage-earners , suffering from long periods of unemployment and underemployment , so drastic that it seemed abject folly to produce children who could neither be adequately nourished nor sufficiently educated to secure a satisfactory livelihood .
9 Standing up to straighten his back , he would take as many as half a dozen buds , popping them all into his mouth , then down he 'd go , snick , snick , bud in , and on to the next — he went so fast that it took two assistants following behind and tying in to keep up with him !
10 Balor had two eyes , one being invested with so much evil power that it took four men to lift the eye-lid .
11 Images of Nazism and the war appear so often on the screen that it took some effort to realise that these were real people inside those costumes ; that the peaked cap and leather boots were n't on hire from the wardrobe department .
12 The responsibility had lain so heavily that it took some time to readjust .
13 They would have married sooner but had to wait for her divorce ; Pamela Chrimes told me that it took some time to obtain the evidence of adultery which was then necessary .
14 Such was the official secrecy , or confusion , that it took several weeks to confirm that no RCM boys were among the casualties .
15 Frequently the results were so error-prone that it took more effort to correct the translation than it actually did to manually translate the text .
16 It was only after the rebellion of autumn 1483 had demonstrated that Richard had lost the support of a significant number of his brother 's men , that it made political sense to indulge in general criticism of Edward IV 's reign .
17 It was only after the rebellion of autumn 1483 had demonstrated that Richard had lost the support of a significant number of his brother 's men , that it made political sense to indulge in general criticism of Edward IV 's reign .
18 The benefit of the system was that it demanded that society intervened for those who were under great pressure and could not take the stress .
19 The problem was that every time they took it over 250 mph the left wing became so heavy that it needed two hands to hold it up .
20 He was joined by Peter Sheppard a few years later when it became apparent that so much information was potentially available from flight recorders that it needed another man to help interpret all the data .
21 One notable feature of the gold standard was that it allowed automatic adjustment to take place via changes in expenditure and output .
22 One morning the young man was seized with a fit , in Dr. Prior 's presence , of ‘ such a frightful nature that it required strong nerves to witness same in those who are used to such sights ’ .
23 Our masters have had to size up the capacity they have at different plants and it made more sense to move production to Leeds
24 There were n't , we did it singly and it made more people did n't it ?
25 As one would expect , the composition of precious metal artefacts has always been heavily influenced by economic factors and it became common practice to modify their value by alloying them with baser metals .
26 And Creggan followed her helpless gaze , out past the bars to the great sky itself and it seemed that direction came suddenly to him at last .
27 Charlie 's office was small and poky and lightless and overcrowded , but the number of possible hiding places was limited and it seemed that she-d tried them all .
28 The Whitehall switchboard was a model of inefficiency as usual , and it took twelve minutes to try the various rooms and people who might know .
29 It became known as the Doomsday Book and it took two years to compile , but it illustrated that England was then a land of extensive royal forests and open fields , with only a few townships in the forest clearings , or at a river crossing .
30 For weeks he was the trouble of my dreams and it took real courage to go to see him in Attila the Hun .
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