Example sentences of "[conj] it [vb -s] out the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the central features of the company is that it separates out the functions of ownership and management .
2 If one takes this as a statement obliquely concerning the Marxist political project , it has a certain validity , in that it brings out the difference between Marxism and ‘ meritocratic ’ , or social-democratic notions of ‘ equality of opportunity ’ : the Marxist project is not merely to allow access to the privileged classes for the most ‘ able ’ individuals from all sections of society , but to transform the class structure ( to eliminate private possession of the major means of production and hierarchical management , and to institute a democratically socialised appropriation ) .
3 The process of running a program means that it carries out the CPU instructions in the program file , some of which will involve telling the PC to look for certain data files on disk which it will use for its own ends .
4 Well , I finally got Miguel to talk to them about it and it turns out the reason there are n't any old folk around is because they do n't live much longer than about 35 .
5 High-level ozone is a life saver because it screens out the UVB ; but low-level ozone is a serious pollutant , causing respiratory and other health problems for many people .
6 Although , as has been argued already , the significance of the 1934 Congress is to be located in its general guiding principles rather than in specific theories , it is nonetheless worthwhile examining briefly the substance of the 1934 debate not only because it sets out the agenda for a detailed discussion of socialist realism , but also because Nizan 's second novel , Le Cheval de Troie , was produced , for the most part in the Soviet Union during 1934 in the shadow of the Congress itself .
7 And the birth control pill is an interesting example because it brings out the controversy and misunderstanding which there can be , because for many many years there was a great deal of talk about the risks from the birth control pill .
8 The Norwegian-owned Kvaerner Govan yard on the Upper Clyde is using Scott Lithgow 's 1,000ft dry dock while it fits out the Havis , the last of its batch of four liquefied petroleum gas tankers .
9 The objects clause of the memorandum of association is the most important , since it sets out the purposes for which the company was formed .
10 we can do she put an ice cube on the splodge let it melt and when it drys out the carpet comes up again but I do n't know if it 'll work but it ca n't do any harm , can it ?
11 when it prints out the bottom of like the noughts and , the bottom of the figure is missing , you can read it , it 's not important , but it 's done because the one , it wo it 's punching onto , onto metal because that paper 's not on our till receipt .
12 It is an ideology that calls itself pluralism when it imposes monoculture ; that speaks of choice as it snuffs out the biodiversity of the earth ; that cries democracy when it eclipses and denies all alternatives .
13 So you 're filtering it before it goes in the machine and still we 're saying , why do n't we filter it as it comes out the machine , before it goes back in the tank .
14 Its defence mechanism is not rapid reproduction like the greenfly , instead it surrounds itself with the familiar frothy blob of air bubbles that it forms as it spits out the sap it has taken from the plant — instead of spitting it back into the plant .
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