Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] [verb] as a " in BNC.

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1 It is able to recycle material which is now being expensively destroyed in incinerators or dumped into the sea , where it may act as a source of marine pollution .
2 The idea is to allow the server to be attached to host systems — Unix or proprietary — where it will function as a database subsystem accelerator .
3 I loathe the metal crate in which ‘ Guernica ’ travelled along ‘ the most controversial kilometre in the history of contemporary art ’ , to settle in its new mansion , where it will serve as a pernicious example to future generations .
4 Its function is not known as yet , but the leaf may serve as mobile camouflage to protect the fish from the eight species of kingfisher which feed along this river or it may act as a ‘ stalking horse ’ as the fish pursues its prey .
5 Robert Young suggests why the presupposition of a shared humanity can not provide such a starting point , although it may operate as a horizon of thought , a desirable if always unachievable aspiration .
6 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
7 This report highlights the main issues which will affect this committee in the period during nineteen ninety three and nineteen ninety six , section one repeats the desire of the committee that it would like as a minimum to sustain the whole of the revenue service and the similar volume of capital payments in the period of the medium term plan as is being divided in this year .
8 They argued that it would act as a mirror " to reflect the desires , opinions and hardships of the Thai society " so as to promote unity , ensure that the population 's grievances were heard , and prevent future crises from undermining the country and its institutions .
9 At the start of his first visit — to Thailand on Sept. 26-30 — the Emperor told King Bhumibol Adulyadej that Japan had " resolved that it would live as a nation of peace , so that it should never repeat the horrors of that most unfortunate war " , and that Japan had made " unremitting efforts " to build " new friendships " in the region .
10 Founded by William of Waynflete in 1484 it was intended that it should act as a feeder to Magdalen College itself , which he also founded .
11 The slapping block can also knock the incoming punch sideways , but the blocking hand must be retrieved as quickly as possible so that it can act as a guard .
12 I have discovered a completeness of my mind and body so that it can work as a whole entity , instead of as a jumble of separate limbs , head and torso all working independently of one another .
13 The young academic coolly eyed the embattled farmer and , commenting upon the destruction wrought upon the fen , looked forward to its return to wilderness after the war , so that it could act as a buffer for the nature reserve of Wicken Fen against the farmed land :
14 Howard would surely not have objected to either , although the idea of a department of corrections would have been very strange to him and the idea that it could act as a system to feed and clothe itself would presumably have seemed a desirable but unreal and irrelevant objective .
15 According to Dr D.W.F. James , the then Director of the Polytechnic of Wales , the government 's decision was a reflection of its desire not to rock the boat and was connected with arguments about the Welsh language , arguments which had already saved Bangor Normal College from merging with the University College of North Wales so that it could develop as a Welsh medium teacher-training college .
16 Real travellers will have discovered that most taxi drivers have only a cursory grasp of English so it may come as a surprise to learn that foreign cabbies ‘ drive at breakneck speed ’ while talking eloquently of ‘ local proverbs and giving handy hints about what to buy in the local market . ’
17 For example you could have just one Troll in your army and it will count as a unit on its own .
18 THE French love to smoke and it will come as a shock to them that they can no longer enjoy their Gauloises cigarettes in public .
19 ‘ We should not forget this and it should serve as a lesson , ’ he said in a speech to mark the 20th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic ties .
20 This can be hung on a classroom wall and it can double as a speaker for audio machines .
21 In particular , the Partnership can help to lever funds from other organizations into inner-city investment projects ; it can assist in the creation of innovative approaches towards inner-urban renewal ; and it can operate as a last-resort funding for worthwhile projects that would not otherwise be implemented .
22 In itself it is of no great importance , but it may serve as a pointer to the presence of other sexually transmitted infection .
23 The Komatsu robot was designed to help draw detailed maps of the ocean floor but it may serve as a prototype for mining and construction vehicles .
24 The traditional rituals of port drinking are well-known , but it may came as a surprise to many that it is not the crusty British lawyer savouring his even crustier port that constitutes the core market for port shippers , but the trendy young Frenchman , enjoying young ruby .
25 But it should serve as a warning to teachers that suggestions from the ‘ fundamental disciplines ’ must be viewed with caution and scepticism .
26 Many professions , too , are very ready to affirm their weddedness to the value of the critical attitude : there is a growing sense , at least among the senior echelons , that tradition is all very well , but it can act as a brake on necessary change .
27 This is not an exact equivalent of the meaning of the term in Freud 's writings and in psychoanalysis subsequently , but it will serve as a starting-point for our investigation of the specific determinants of human psychology .
28 I agree that this scheme is significant not only because of what may be achieved for good in the north-west , but because it can act as a model for planning for other areas and for other denominations .
29 This ‘ stamp ’ would emphasise to users the cost of the health service since it would appear as a separate tax item on the pay slip , and would therefore increase in line with earnings and not prices .
30 If there is a change of harmonic outlook in a piece , I prefer to feel , rather than to know whether it might arrive as a surprise , whether it should be prepared and how , and whether it ought to be pointed out at all !
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