Example sentences of "[conj] it [verb] [adj] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth , where it grows rusty and moth-eaten , and thieves break in to steal it .
2 Although it bid less than TSW , the latter 's business plan was deemed unviable by the Independent Television Commission with a £16.1m bid .
3 The BR watchdog body , the Central Transport Consultative Committee , said last night it was evident the crash was caused by human error , although it became clear that arrangements for supervising and auditing the quality of work were ‘ lamentably defective ’ .
4 Although it remains possible that phosphorylation of c-Jun at Ser-249 by the DNA-PK activates its transcriptional potential in vivo , the body of evidence therefore suggests that it is involved in regulating some other aspect of c-Jun function .
5 Its population was expanding so fast that it seemed impossible that food production could keep pace with it .
6 So all she could report was that it seemed dark and cruiser-shaped .
7 It struck him that it seemed weird that Leeds rejected continuous bids from Blackburn all through the season and then suddenly , out of the blue , accepted one .
8 Behind it all is the Whitehall attitude that it knows better than Brussels .
9 The law is still unclear on the legal rights of human fertilised ova ( zygotes ) and even foetuses , so that it seems unlikely that animals will have legal rights for many years .
10 The points made , the order of delivery and even some of the phrases used so closely resemble Scott 's first letter to Palmerston that it seems likely that Elcho had been briefed by Scott .
11 Gin , we are told , is one of the purest spirits made , and juniper berries , the baies de genièvre or ginepro from which Geneva or gin derived its name , provide the characteristic flavouring which everyone who ever drank a glass of gin in their lives would recognize when he tastes the juniper-berry flavour in Provençal game terrines and certain Northern Italian sauces and stuffings for partridge and pheasant ; and eau de vie de genièvre is a spirit used in French and Belgian Ardennais regional cooking , so it seems extraordinary that people blanch at the suggestion that gin should go into the casseroles .
12 The timber bracing was built into stone and rubble walls as well , as can be seen at many points round the Knossos Labyrinth , so it seems likely that earthquake-resistance was the likely purpose .
13 i Once it became obvious that youth organizations could not solve the ‘ boy labour problem ’ , either socially or economically , the question arose as to what needed to be done .
14 In August , for example , de Gaulle predicted that the US would resort to force , once it became clear that Stalin was going to try to build atomic weapons .
15 Some Tories were obviously nervous about converting their disaffection into active treason once it became clear that France , the Jacobites ' main European ally , was in no position to back an expeditionary force .
16 Once it becomes clear that recovery is likely , it may , for instance , lead a person to re-examine their lifestyle and come to positive decisions about how they would like to improve it and make more of its good features .
17 The number of insertions of Shepard ventilation tubes was recorded for each child , and it became apparent that ears treated with tubes alone required significantly more tubes ( mean 2.48 , SD 1.39 ) than those receiving tubes in combination with adenoidectomy ( 1.52 , 0.85 ; p=0.0001 ) .
18 Yeah , I think we should minute erm our appreciation of the action taken by yourself and the clerk in resolving this matter , because we did approve work erm and it became obvious after work was commenced that there was additional work that needed to be got on with
19 The radiocarbon discrepancy was confirmed and it became clear that radiocarbon results would need to be calibrated to convert them to calendar ages .
20 Some of the extreme cases ( such as the Yorkshire miners who would strike unless electricity were connected to their village ) did reach the public eye , and it became clear that Citrine was not fooling when he said there were many equally damaging examples for which the chairmen would insist on pinning the blame where it belonged — on government .
21 It was swollen with the heavy rain that had fallen during the last few days , and it looked fierce and dark .
22 The neck pickup is sharp and punchy , but knock the tone back a little and it becomes sweet and bluesy : Mississippi without the mud , if you like .
23 But look more closely at the statistics , look at what is really happening on the streets and in the shops , look at how people 's lives are changing , and it becomes clear that things are not nearly as bad as they are painted .
24 All brightness and colour had gone , and it seemed possible that Ilbrec had sent her right out of the world , away into nothingness .
25 And it seems undeniable that ICMESA was in possession of a plant which , had it not been modified , would not have exploded .
26 ‘ Linen is very popular today and it seems certain that trend will remain for years ’ , says the Guild 's spokeswoman Rita Vail .
27 Two extensions at La Hague are already 18 months behind schedule , and it seems certain that fuel assemblies will have to be packed tighter in the pools .
28 The king was more distressed by his death than by that of any other person except his own sister , and it seems certain that Berkeley would have received further advancement had he lived .
29 Various authors have attributed these emissions to Ti and Mn respectively but , as Walker ( 1985 ) pointed out , the spectral bands are present in highly pure synthetic silica , and it seems certain that emission is intrinsic rather than due to impurities .
30 Certainly many of the ordinary rank and file , like William Joyce in the early years , were of this nature ; and it seems significant that J. Havelock Wilson of the Seaman 's Union , a stalwart of working-class anti-socialist movements , spoke at an anti-Bolshevik meeting stewarded by 600 fascists at the Royal Albert Hall in 1926 ii
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