Example sentences of "[conj] the same [noun] may [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The subject continues to invest itself in cultural forms , identifying , for example , with sports , cinema , clothing , a political line , or certain relationships ; but such is the scale of modern society that the same individual may become absurdly overextended into essentially superficial relationships , none of which augments his or her being , and yet simultaneously , may have nothing at all in common with another overextended individual who has selected entirely different areas of the surrounding culture .
2 One could wish that to celebrate this moving occasion ( for it is at least a partial farewell ) a master of verbal portraiture were at hand ; though so elusive is personality , so unlike the impression that the same person may make on different observers , we might well have no great faith in the verisimilitude of the sketch , if produced .
3 Another complication arises from the fact that the same term may have different meanings in different contexts .
4 The common objective behind all three projects is to analyse how changes in the society as a whole have a different impact in different areas , such that the same process may come to have very different consequences according to local-level variations .
5 However , Paykel argues that specificity is , at best , weak , and therefore concludes that the same events may result in a variety of disturbances .
6 Dictionary publishers have limited fonts available and the same font may indicate different roles in different parts of the definitions ( human readers are easily able to use the definitional context to determine the function of a particular font change ) .
7 The units are put together to form meaningful chains of symbolism but the same units may turn up in quite different ritual contexts .
8 Two distinct trends may be discerned , though the same writer may work in both conventions .
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