Example sentences of "[conj] the same [noun] [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The best way of preventing scale , however , is to replace the cylinder with an indirect one where the same water is circulated round and round the ‘ primary ’ circuit ( the one which passes through the boiler ) which , once it has given up its chemical salts , is in effect softened so that no more will be deposited .
2 It allows for the user to create groups of numbers to send any given document to — for broadcasting faxes , where the same fax is sent to lots of different places , a task that can take forever with traditional fax machines .
3 But it is often forgotten that even less physical sports such as bowls , and even snooker , where the same movement is repeated many times , can cause problems , too .
4 The fact that the same word is used for either reflects the general feeling that the distinction between them is fairly hazy .
5 Erm , David , that really er is about er four point four , the parallel activity necessary sister companies er to erm make sure that the same message is getting across , and that whatever they are saying to the continental is actually supporting our attempts to er erm become the preferred supplier .
6 Since it was on 11th February in 1984 that I published the Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris on the Christian meaning of human suffering , I believe it is significant that the same day is set for the celebration of the ‘ World Day of the Sick ’ .
7 In 10 out of 12 EC countries , lower taxes mean that the same bottle is sold for less :
8 The line g-h is the discontinuity of perceiving that the same result is obtained if the effluent discharge pipe is taken to the river upstream of the factory intake .
9 Further , it is the current practice of AIB , at any rate , to provide more detailed factual information to representatives of those seeking to establish a claim on condition that the same information is made available to all other parties to the action including , of course , the potential defendants .
10 This will be so if the same work is done by fewer employees or by no employees at all .
11 If the same word is used in more than one place in a document , it will be assumed that it means the same thing each time it appears .
12 One of the problems for the BHRCA was that more than one PPL licence may be needed ; for example , if the same music is played in the bar and reception , and both are self-contained .
13 If the same calculation is made taking into account only the time distortion implied by the equivalence principle , the resultant deviation is only half as large .
14 If the same criteria is used however , as is used to determine the ‘ best practicable means ’ under the public health legislation , then the cost involved in complying with the conditions and the financial state of the company would be considered .
15 If the same play is put on television ( as a television production , and not as simple transmission from a theatre ) other kinds of signal , mainly titles , including keywords like ‘ play ’ or ‘ theatre ’ , are employed .
16 If a passive network is also symmetric , that is , if the same response is obtained with the output and input connections interchanged , also .
17 Does not the Minister agree that it will be a travesty if the same formula is used this year and my constituents are therefore robbed of much more money that is needed for health in the area ?
18 A script recognition system would also be more easily adapted to foreign languages ( if the same alphabet is used ) , than would a speech recognition system which would require completely different information about the phonology of other languages .
19 In most systems , if a word is misspelt or miskeyed , that piece of data can only be retrieved if the same format is used during the retrieval process .
20 If the same reaction is represented by the following equation , the n the standard molar enthalpy of reaction is half the above value :
21 If the same fault is found in more than one module then it is probable that its consequences and any avoidance action will be different for each module and one SSR should be raised to address each individual area .
22 So , if if the same pattern is followed , it would be middle of February , before we we we find out what the arrangements will be .
23 But , continued The Times , ‘ it may be argued that if the same thing is happening everywhere there is no need to worry .
24 And the same firm 's working in Ayrshire yet .
25 Okay , now that result holds , right , for all erm for all marginal relationships Okay , so if we are looking at a marginal marginal cost curve , right , we have got that 's our marginal cost , that 's our average cost we , we 're intersecting here when in the case it is a minimum so marginal costs cuts through average costs at its minimum value we are looking at average revenue and marginal revenue average revenue function marginal revenue function This is our total revenue function and the same relationship is embodied there , but , notice that between the average and the average revenue and marginal revenue functions , right , do n't intersect simply because we have got a linear relationship here right , average revenue is always above marginal revenue in this particular case .
26 Therefore , PCNA may serve as a useful marker for proliferation if the conditions of fixation are held constant and the same antibody is used throughout the experiment .
27 There is also something grammatically unusual ( comparable to the opening of Bleak House ) in the occurrence of a series of parallel graphological sentences which are " defective " in that they consist of noun phrases alone : these are ( 10 ) , ( 11 ) and ( 12 ) , and the same construction is continued in ( 13 ) .
28 The presence of two tricksters on stage at one and the same time is bound to make for comedy , and so it does here .
29 The Court assumes that failure to explain why it was not practicable to obtain a report from such a doctor will make the admission unlawful , and the same point is made by Professor Hoggett ( Mental Health Law ( 3rd ed. ) at pp.102–103 ) , who also stresses that the administrative arrangements for medical cover does not necessarily make it impracticable to obtain a recommendation from a doctor who knows the prospective patient .
30 And the same point is put beyond dispute in the careful declaration of purpose in John 's Gospel , expressly written about the evidence of Christ 's signs : ‘ There were indeed many other signs that Jesus performed in the presence of his disciples , which are not recorded in this book .
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