Example sentences of "[conj] the [noun sg] at the time " in BNC.

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1 The current deteriorating standards of living and acute social problems that owe so much of their origin to the decline in the economy suggest that the inheritance at the time of Independence of a highly developed mining sector was a very mixed blessing : the lack of balance it occasioned in the economic base has resulted in serious economic and social disequilibrium with the locus of control resting as much with decisions made in the London Metal Market as with policies established in Lusaka .
2 The emergent working class exhibited an eagerness and aptitude for organized protest , and an interest in socialist ideas , that the peasantry at the time lacked .
3 I asked you through the Medau News last year to all help and make our fund raising this year a really great success and when you know that the figure at the time of going to press is over £2,600 you will all be as pleased as our Treasurer is .
4 However , if the settlor at the time when he put the monies into the trust did not satisfy the requirements of the UK residence , ordinary residence or domicile set out in s110(2) then the trustee resident in the United Kingdom would be treated as not resident in the United Kingdom and all the trustees therefore would be resident outside the United Kingdom .
5 A number of us went to that presentation the minister , the church secretary , myself , and the treasurer at the time and a few of the elders .
6 Now much of the rest of the stone of the building also dates from the medieval period but in fact in the nineteenth century the building er was very popular as a church and the vicar at the time decided that what he needed was more space and so they knocked down virtually the whole building apart from the tower and the east erm erm window and rebuilt it to put in the er gallery at the level that we 're standing here .
7 This section refers to Council Regulation 4064/89 on the control of concentrations between undertakings ( the Merger Regulation ) and to the various Regulations and Notices adopted by the Commission in application of the Merger Regulation , as well as to interpretative statements published by the Commission and the Council at the time of its adoption .
8 Er , I moved the original motion , and the thinking at the time was , after a lot of discussion , that eight one as it appears on the agenda , to maintain the estate at around it 's level was the correct decision .
9 Now it was a rule and the custom at the time that any of the staff could impose a fine on the spot and in this circumstance Fagan imposed a fine of 10 " ackers " — that is 10 piastres , which I can not remember what the value was at the time , but let us say it was something in the order of 5 .
10 The current value of the land is estimated at one point five million , but the land at the time of any sale would be determined by the most favourable planning consent which can be obtained at the time .
11 The inclusion of such trading lags makes the arbitrage risky , as the mispricing at the time the arbitrage position is established is unknown when the decision to trade is taken .
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