Example sentences of "[conj] in [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 So it was that although in those days I was often homesick , missing Harry , missing Daisy , it was never unbearable .
2 ‘ Royal Glyn-Neath ’ , we call it , although in those days it was only a little nine-hole course .
3 Although in three cases it was recognised that the operation was technically unsatisfactory and early rebleeding was encountered in each case , in the rest there appeared to be no obvious explanation for these surgical failures .
4 As a price for his reduction of the rebels , Louis forced from the very reluctant abbot the recognition that in temporal matters he was subject to the decision of the royal court .
5 The West , the Atlantic world , may have been firing rockets to the moon and fighting a war in Indochina , but the benefit of hindsight indicates now that in other ways it was gripped by a blinkered and introspective mood , absorbed by its own internal problems .
6 Wycliffe felt sure that in normal circumstances she was a cheerful woman , more ready to laugh than cry .
7 We have to remember that in many cases it was , ironically , only accidental hardening by destructive fires that preserved caches of clay tablets as samples of the Minoan scripts .
8 First , they used variable and often vague definitions of abuse , so that in many cases it was not clear that they were dealing with established cases of abuse .
9 However , the Oxford Study showed that in many cases it was not a factor , since very little use was made of this procedure , despite its obvious advantages to the defendant .
10 Incontinence , however , was poorly defined ( for solid or liquid stools ) , but we may reasonably suppose that in many cases it was for liquid stools only .
11 Although the amount NoS had to raise at this point was small compared with what was to come later , those involved say that in many ways it was harder work .
12 Although Valiant was of identical design to Vigilant with the same dimensions and general layout , we soon found out that in many ways she was a different ship .
13 Hence it was that in many subjects he was behind the knowledge of the day .
14 I had a supreme belief , without any resource to health books , that in medical matters I was a born DIY man .
15 I argued that in most cases it was quite clear that the projects officers had not paid any serious attention to gender issues .
16 The Cabinet agreed that in these circumstances it was inevitable that the decision on this issue should be left to a free vote .
17 He was probably thinking that in these times it was not worth taking the risk of offending anyone , just in case they were agents of Horemheb and you ended up in an emerald mine on the Eastern Coast .
18 However , the Middle East Economic Digest of Oct. 26 noted that in some quarters it was being interpreted as " a gambit to force parliament to commute the sentences , thereby improving Turkey 's international image " .
19 In one of these early lessons he was very lucky in his teacher ; Miss Public House took him home on one of his first nights — she who usually never could be bothered — and in one exhausting night Miss P taught him everything he knew about how to make love without getting hurt or hurting anybody ( remember that in those days we were still getting used to the idea and still elaborating our repertoires of what you could and could n't do , which was very hard for us , for me anyway , since we had spent so long trying to forget the very word could n't ) .
20 The infant was at once created Prince of Wales , to indicate that in Jacobite eyes he was the real heir to the throne of England , and the Young Pretender was soon to become universally known as Bonnie Prince Charlie .
21 The reader will have seen that in both examples it was necessary to make a number of special assumptions .
22 The thesis would be pointless if most mistakes are jurisdictional or if in most cases it was particularly controversial and difficult to establish which are and which are not .
23 No longer young myself , I feel as if in some respects I was never young .
24 The cave has long been known ; one inscription bears the date 1655 , and in Victorian times it was a showplace , a charge for admission being payable at Braida Garth farm down the valley .
25 He went upstairs with his wife , and in two minutes they were asleep .
26 My mother said she thought the two qualities went together and Lili said they did n't : not necessarily , and in many cases they were mutually exclusive .
27 So Dawn Run came to Cheltenham on Gold Cup day with only four races over fences behind her , and in many quarters it was felt that inexperience would prove her downfall against her much more seasoned rivals .
28 The Italian the other children spoke in school was not a dialect like my Triestino and in many subjects I was in any case behind the others , a thought which made me very unhappy .
29 In effect this was a time when new worlds and new social structures were being forged ; and in many ways we were closer to the world of the underground than that of the moral majority , for we were walking the same ground and like many in the alternative society were ( somewhat unsystematically ) following an essential and perennial theme of history — that of man 's journey as ‘ hero ’ .
30 Snaith was a Peculiar , ie it had its own ecclesiastical court and in many ways it was exempt from the jurisdiction of the Bishop , which may explain the fact that the Bishop 's inspectors came to interview the brothers at Snaith for reported ‘ indiscretions ’ and were unable to carry out their inspection because the brothers had summoned the ferry to the Snaith bank so they could not cross the river !
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