Example sentences of "[conj] in [adj] [noun] [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 So it was that although in those days I was often homesick , missing Harry , missing Daisy , it was never unbearable .
2 ‘ Royal Glyn-Neath ’ , we call it , although in those days it was only a little nine-hole course .
3 Although in three cases it was recognised that the operation was technically unsatisfactory and early rebleeding was encountered in each case , in the rest there appeared to be no obvious explanation for these surgical failures .
4 Presumably it saw service for iron working at some time , although in later life it was used for corn grinding , saw milling , as well as being operated for a time as a maltings .
5 If anyone can be said to have had a ‘ finest hour ’ — although in this instance it was more a matter of finest days and weeks — it was the people of Fontanellato , and those for many miles around , who had showed such courage in helping the escaped prisoners without any hope or thought of recompense .
6 Hamilton asserted that in ordinary life it was the strong arm of the law and not the strong arm of the husband which protected women from hurt or molestation .
7 As a price for his reduction of the rebels , Louis forced from the very reluctant abbot the recognition that in temporal matters he was subject to the decision of the royal court .
8 I appreciate that in that respect I was drifting out of order .
9 The West , the Atlantic world , may have been firing rockets to the moon and fighting a war in Indochina , but the benefit of hindsight indicates now that in other ways it was gripped by a blinkered and introspective mood , absorbed by its own internal problems .
10 Fitzgerald calculated the critical number of samples needed to be 80 per cent certain that the mean score would be no more than one year out , and found that in one book it was 72 samples — which amounted to nearly half the book !
11 Wycliffe felt sure that in normal circumstances she was a cheerful woman , more ready to laugh than cry .
12 We found that in each case it was necessary to think of three dimensions .
13 We have to remember that in many cases it was , ironically , only accidental hardening by destructive fires that preserved caches of clay tablets as samples of the Minoan scripts .
14 First , they used variable and often vague definitions of abuse , so that in many cases it was not clear that they were dealing with established cases of abuse .
15 However , the Oxford Study showed that in many cases it was not a factor , since very little use was made of this procedure , despite its obvious advantages to the defendant .
16 Incontinence , however , was poorly defined ( for solid or liquid stools ) , but we may reasonably suppose that in many cases it was for liquid stools only .
17 Although the amount NoS had to raise at this point was small compared with what was to come later , those involved say that in many ways it was harder work .
18 Although Valiant was of identical design to Vigilant with the same dimensions and general layout , we soon found out that in many ways she was a different ship .
19 Hence it was that in many subjects he was behind the knowledge of the day .
20 I had a supreme belief , without any resource to health books , that in medical matters I was a born DIY man .
21 I argued that in most cases it was quite clear that the projects officers had not paid any serious attention to gender issues .
22 That is why Britain largely escaped enclave development and why we must augment Hobsbawm 's assertion that the home market " provided the broad foundations for a generalised industrial economy " , by adding that in this provision it was materially assisted by an overseas market for manufactured goods of a kind possessed by no other economy .
23 The Distinguished Flying Cross ( DFC ) was established on the same date as the AFC , June 3 , 1918 , with the same basis except that in this instance it was for duty performed whilst flying on active operations against the enemy .
24 However , the facts of this case do illustrate the injustice which could arise if Miss Marshall is correct in the admirable submissions which she has advanced on behalf of the landlord , to the effect that in this case he was entitled to resort to self-help .
25 The schedules proved to be acceptable , Their major drawback was length , perhaps inseparable from comprehensiveness , and the fact that in this exercise they were not integrated with normal agency practice and statutory six-monthly reviews .
26 S said that she needed the car to take her family to the airport and that in any case they were only abroad for one week out of two , so she would need the car again on her return .
27 Counsel for the appellants had attacked this finding because the patient had been an outpatient at a different hospital in the past and a practitioner there could have fulfilled this function ; and he submitted that in any case it was a duty of the hospital managers to find out if it was practicable to obtain the recommendation of a practitioner who had previous acquaintance with the patient : he relied on the form of the question ‘ explain why you could not get a recommendation from a medical practitioner who did know the patient ’ on the hospital admission application form .
28 Whereupon he made a further defensive remark that in any event it was now too late to effect any alterations .
29 The Cabinet agreed that in these circumstances it was inevitable that the decision on this issue should be left to a free vote .
30 He was probably thinking that in these times it was not worth taking the risk of offending anyone , just in case they were agents of Horemheb and you ended up in an emerald mine on the Eastern Coast .
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