Example sentences of "[conj] must be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is the registration that must be obtained by fraud .
2 They feed from steel bowls that must be filled by dipping .
3 This is because they generate excessive amounts of data and information that must be interpreted by specialists .
4 None of the notational devices used in synthesis has any inherent filing order with respect to any other , so any proposed order will be artificial and must be learnt by classifiers and users .
5 We have decided human nature is bad , that people only work for money , respond only to the profit principle , and must be controlled by threats and punishments .
6 The spherical objects are very fragile and must be guided by Steg , to do this he must either nudge them or give them a quick blow ( erm … yes , fair enough — Ed ) .
7 This must be calculated just like special damage and must be verified by exhibits in the same way .
8 This obviously reintroduces the scepticism which Descartes had hoped to avoid , and it increases when Malebranche goes on to argue that our perceptions of a material world could not anyway be caused by that world even if there were one , but must be caused by God .
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