Example sentences of "[conj] being [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the accused was not seen to take the property such evidence as him being seen near the scene of the crime or being found in possession of the property is useful .
2 There may have been as many as 200 women compositors in London in the early 1890s , but as has been noted , the London Society of Compositors was able to exert pressure on employers and see that on the whole they were vanishing or being expelled to printing-houses in the Home Counties .
3 Furthermore , on -0 April , it seemed that the American support Alexander was counting on would not be forthcoming , as President Truman cabled Churchill : I wish to avoid having American forces being used to fight Yugoslav forces or being used in combat in the Balkan arena On 1 May Alexander returned to his original objective of seizing Trieste and the lines of communication , and on 2 May the New Zealand Division under 13 Corps arrived in Trieste almost simultaneously with Tito 's troops .
4 The field officer 's sense of autonomy derives from the fact that being allocated to districts on a geographical basis designed around river catchments gives him a personal territorial jurisdiction over which he presides .
5 The answers to these questions are discovered from the diagram ( given certain simple diagrammatic transformations carried out by the system , which are structurally analogous to changes that would happen in the real world ) , rather than being computed in terms of abstract mathematical equations and specific numerical values .
6 The briefing pack accompanying Working for patients ( DoH , 1989h ) claims that at ‘ Regional and district level planning will be able to respond more effectively to the health needs of the population rather than being tied to details of the operational delivery of services ’ .
7 Meanwhile the procedure adopted in truancy cases should , rather than being geared towards punishment of parents , be a constructive process , involving parent and child .
8 Rather than being stored in clusters of papers in files , the layers related intellectually in a hierarchical manner , computer systems often save individual papers on the same level as discrete entities .
9 Rather than being seen as partners in the search for a solution parents may be seen as part of the problem ( Moses and Croll 1987 , Wood 1988 ) .
10 ‘ The greatest damage to Israel , ’ says Meir Amit , a former head of the intelligence agency , ‘ is that rather than being known as producers in agriculture , in genetics , or in medicine , our trademark is the security business . ’
11 Rather than being celebrated as proof of the competitive merits of democratic elitism , such an outcome may create convulsions or reduce national economic performance .
12 No stripping off and being stood on blocks for the world-weary rich to stare at in lust or mockery .
13 Considerable advances have been made since then with regard to the concepts of health and disease and the old belief linking offensive odours with disease is gradually disappearing and being replaced by concern about the injury to comfort and amenity caused by such odours , plus the possibility of financial loss due to the depreciation in selling value of a property subject to odour pollution .
14 ‘ She 's round , ma'am , ’ Salt said in her angry voice , and under her breath : ‘ Blessed if I know what the world 's coming to … serving wenches falling about and being propped in chairs as if they were gentry . ’
15 Even if the child were ‘ demand fed ’ , its environment and parents ' sleep would tend to decrease the likelihood of its waking and being fed at night in comparison with the daytime .
16 It is the prisoner of no particular approach but is a ubiquitous way of thinking , capable of dealing with and being deployed in respect of the widest range of approaches .
17 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod , they departed into their own country another way .
18 The Authorized Version of the Magi 's dream , recounted in St Matthew , chapter 2 , verse 12 : And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod , they departed into their own country another way .
19 A fine example was found in Lincoln in 1866 and is now in the British Museum ( fig. 14.4 ) , i others came from Richborough ( fig. 14.5 ) and from a grave at Colchester on a Castor Box on which a lion appears in a venatio and being held at bay by a nude bestiarius with a long hunting spear .
20 It is , however , used at the moment in North Wales and being considered in Scotland near Loch Lomond , as a method of storing energy .
21 ‘ Then the remains arrived next day and the sister Mary , who is 89 and on a walking aid , objected to her grave being dug and being used by Katherine at that stage .
22 Their attitude , however , seemed to be that because I was young I was utterly unaware of what was happening to me , emotionally unstable , childish , and being forced into womanhood by a terrible mistake I had made .
23 In a striking passage Daphne recalls working in the fields with her mother , falling ill from the heat , and being consoled by stories about love .
24 Royal Daffodil ran on the Medway — Southend service until being transferred to Port of London Authority dock cruises in 1937 .
25 If being monitored for exposure to external penetrating radiation can be a marker of other exposures in the workplace , some of which might be hazardous , studies of the relation between men 's exposure to external radiation and leukaemia in their children could yield apparently inconsistent results .
26 Looking like you just stepped out of a fashion magazine is not essential , but being dressed in tune with current trends is as important as being aware of current events .
27 Looking like you just stepped out of a fashion magazine is not essential , but being dressed in tune with current trends is as important as being aware of current events .
28 New escape : A 22 year old prisoner was on the run today after escaping from Group 4 guards in Derby while being taken from court to jail .
29 Bowen staged an escape while being brought to court in December last year , Mark Williams is in hospital after becoming ill during the trial and Bush is still being sought after breaking out of the court last week with four of the other accused .
30 The land held in reserve in Richmondshire 's case is not just land held in reserve for existing firms to expand on , but also includes three sites which are identified in this document as being reserved for development after two thousand and one , between two thousand and one and two thousand and six .
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