Example sentences of "[conj] people were [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Professor T , R. Lee said that people were exercised about the dangers to life from railways when they were new , but they were eventually seen as negligible , with the implication for some that the same sequence would happen with nuclear energy .
2 He believed that people were made by the impersonal forces of history , not by greed , malice and lust .
3 In a separate appeal issued on the same day to the Lithuanian people Gorbachev said that developments in their republic were causing " extreme concern and bewilderment " throughout the Soviet Union , and that people were calling on the Soviet government to use " economic , political and administrative measures " to defend the USSR Constitution and the country 's integrity .
4 But UNHCR officials in Sarajevo denied a statement by Ms Foa that people were running after the agency 's trucks in the city and begging .
5 The door of the plane was open and people were coming down the steps one after another .
6 Despite the cold , the atmosphere in the carriage was very stuffy , and it was more interesting to stand out here , even if people were pressing against the windows and sitting about on boxes and suitcases .
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