Example sentences of "[conj] also [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One area that has since 1972 been recognised as a region of many UFO sightings is in the Pennine foothills surrounding Leeds and Manchester , an area that also has a high concentration of active faults .
2 The selling of sugar free squash at break times provides a service appreciated by children and also generates a regular income .
3 This is a real advantage when using the A2 live and also goes a long way to keeping the engineer happy in the studio , without taking precious minutes to reprogram .
4 Crough ( 1979 ) explores the possible morphological consequences of continents migrating over hot spots and also cites a possible example from North America ( Crough , 1981 ) .
5 Yes , fine ! you know there are very easy ways of recording that in terms of written down information … in my worst moments , particularly when I 'm talking about ‘ A ’ level , I 've had enough … it 's such an incredibly inefficient and crude method , and also wastes a tremendous amount of potential .
6 The bank provides many services for their customers besides keeping their money safe ; it provides convenient means of making payments by cheque and also submits a clear statement of their customer 's account at fixed intervals .
7 The Amateur Rowing Association provides information on affiliated rowing clubs , approved coaches and also produces a useful yearbook ( £9 ) .
8 Planting can be done in spring or autumn , and increase is by division , or by seed sown in spring , or early autumn ; the wild Madder , R. peregrina , may be a variety of it and also contains a pinkish dye .
9 It is well-informed on those early years and also gives a perceptive analysis of the various Arab reactions to the invasion of Kuwait .
10 This chapter shows you how to care for such flowers before they are pressed , and also gives a whole range of ideas for sentimental flower pictures .
11 The 99,500-strong constituency embraces six villages , including Yarm , Eaglescliffe and Thornaby , which have a strong sense of their own identity , and also covers a small area of Middlesbrough .
12 The assessment concentrates on minimising potential releases of chemicals to air , water and land , and also covers a wide range of factors such as noise , traffic , visual impact and other possible effects on the local community and landscape .
13 It symbolises power and control , and also looks a great deal more chic .
14 The tablet is well made , the surface is ruled with a grid corresponding to the Spectrum 's graphics resolution of 176 by 256 pixels and also includes a 32-box menu panel which can , in theory at least , be utilised by the user in his own software .
15 They give proper emphasis to its quiet poetry as well as its obvious rhetorical grandeur , while their classic mid-price disc is finely recorded and also includes a sensitive account of the Debussy Sonata as well as other music by Debussy and Ravel .
16 He has , says a friend , a taste for fast driving and also has a private pilot 's licence — he has been known to take friends on duty-free trips to the Continent .
17 Alicante is the provincial capital and is full of attractive and trendy shops ( great for clothes ) and also has a marvellous seafront promenade .
18 It provides lat/long data ; distance/bearing to destination/waypoint ; groundspeed ; heading ; relative altitude from starting point and absolute altitude based on local coordinates ; current time in hours , minutes and seconds ; and ETA at next waypoint based on current groundspeed ( with aural signal of waypoint passage ) , and also has a graphic display mode to enable current heading to be compared with true course .
19 John Coon , DG 's UK marketing manager , says Technology will be better able to cope with support , and also has a large stock of peripherals on hand .
20 This keeps the material inside reasonably dry and sweet and also provides a liquid fertiliser that can be drawn off regularly via a tap at the bottom .
21 The service helps clients with the design and development of new nozzles , assessment of applications , and also provides a trouble-shooting service for existing designs .
22 The shells power all the Exchange 's plant , and also provides a small surplus that is fed into the local grid .
23 This offers physiotherapy and occupational therapy facilities to all residents and also provides a beautiful sun lounge with views of the South Downs .
24 Whereas a cold may take a day or two to develop and produce a cough , sore throat and streaming nose , flu arrives much more suddenly , and also causes a high temperature and sore and aching joints and muscles .
25 Adorno speaks from the vantage-point of modernism ( though , as we have seen , he arguably gives this too monolithic an interpretation ) : his ideal is an individual critique , which is negative in relation to society but also constitutes a positive synthesis — an alternative .
26 Mr Gandhi has an election coming up and a big one-day cricket tournament not only goes down well with the electorate , but also goes a long way towards providing a short-term solution to the unemployment problem .
27 That shows that , despite what we are told by Conservatives , the social charter is not solely about salaries and general working conditions on the shop floor but also plays a major role in the environment .
28 In describing the various features of this academic essay-writing register , we have stressed that the style you adopt not only places your essay in an established , conventional idiom , but also creates a clear impression of you and your attitudes towards your subject matter , as well as defining a specific relationship with your reader .
29 There is concern , however , that providing separate , specially labelled services which only mentally disordered people can use is not only extremely expensive but also encourages a discriminating attitude towards already stigmatized people .
30 This is written for students of linguistics but also offers a good introduction for the general reader .
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