Example sentences of "[conj] then [prep] the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do believe that then for the first time it dawned on people that Northern Ireland was a series of Catholic and Protestant ghettoes .
2 Jack 's full-back partner was ‘ Dusty ’ Rhodes , while behind them was the fabulous Jack Alderson and these three heroes played an amazing sequence of exactly 100 consecutive matches together ( including cup-ties and friendlies ) helping the Palace into the Football League in the process and then into the 2nd Division as the first champions of the newly formed 3rd Division in 1920–21 .
3 They have irresponsibly encouraged people to withhold payment , and then at the eleventh hour they have made payments , leaving those poorer people who were foolish enough to follow their appalling example to face the consequences of now owing a lump sum .
4 She held the letter over the basket , ready to consign it to being thrown away , and then at the last minute snatched it back and put in in her desk .
5 And then on the sixteenth month you 've got ta pay it back .
6 For two days after their conversation Ruth did not see the woman , and then on the third day a man leaned over from the upper deck and called out to her .
7 Two nights a week she worked here and then on the third night she washed her hair and all her clothes to get rid of the smell of fried fish and went dancing .
8 And you 'll find for half the pack it 's one a day and then for the second half of the pack it 's two a day .
9 The intention , says D , is to nurture new performers and broaden the scene 's support base : ‘ It 's up to us , the established people , to bring this thing further and then for the next wave to strengthen it even more . ’
10 And then for the third leg of our erm Radio Oxford yankee , we go over in the tenth race , the nine forty eight .
11 The feudal levy now fell into disuse : it was summoned in 1327 , and then for the last time , and probably for financial reasons , in 1385 .
12 She smiled at her stepchild and then for the last time dug her long finger sharply in Artemis 's shoulder , but Artemis did n't flinch .
13 Swindon promoted from 4th to 3rd and then to the 2nd division in consecutive seasons .
14 Now there was a theory in the south of England , that when one retired , for the first year , you dumped most of your lump sum into premium bonds on the hope of a big win , and then after the first year you invested it , you see , having taken the big win .
15 I think what we should do , as we 've got two papers on similar topics , is er take any questions that are specifically related to the t to this paper and the , the methods used in this paper , and then after the next paper have , have both speakers up to address the topic er of er of timing of follow up cystoscopies .
16 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
17 And then in the second half , Town turned on their new scoring machine to make sure of victory .
18 And then in the second half when there were chances at both ends … it was Villa 's coolness … experience … little bit of sparkle that won it … with Dalian Atkinson hitting the winner … 2-1 to the Villa …
19 And then in the second half it was a completely different story .
20 And then in the first place you 're getting enough money you can you can bash it away and that 'll pay for your furniture .
21 In the 69th minute Duffield stroked the ball home from 12 yards and then in the 71st minute the ball fell to Brett who was free on the right and he drove across goal into the far corner .
22 And then in the last sort of seven to eight years , it starts to decline quite rapidly because you 're actually paying off the capital at that stage , and th that 's where I may meet somebody at say fifteen years , they thought their mortgage would run to age sixty five and they actually retire at sixty , they 've got five years left and they 're about there .
23 And then in the third leg of the yankee , the eighth race , this is the nine sixteen , third quarter final erm and here I 'm going to have to go for Ned Supreme in trap one , trained by Kenny Linzell at Romford in Essex .
24 I , I shall be seeing the you know in a few weeks time the daughter she 's a , she 's er Rene that was erm Eddie , who were very big pals of mine and we go to the anniversary lunch together so we 're all over eighty but erm you could n't the bread shop , was another confectioner 's shop , and then turning round the corner you come to another shop , up two steps , which was and that was another type of confectionery and shop , then you get as far as the corn and seed people er they used to have a shop in Street as well , and then before the First World War there was the butchers and they sold foreign meat .
25 The Russian heroic tenor , Alexei Steblianko , from the Kirov in Leningrad is the least comfortable with a French accent , but then on the first night he was battling with a throat infection .
26 The Russian heroic tenor , Alexei Steblianko , from the Kirov in Leningrad is the least comfortable with a French accent , but then on the first night he was battling with a throat infection .
27 ‘ We talked about it , but then at the last minute we thought of the Bahamas .
28 But then at the last moment I drifted wide .
29 But then in the next fraction of the same instant I realized that if I thought I had ceased to exist then I existed that the very thinking of this thought was me .
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