Example sentences of "[conj] could be [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The design can be knitted as a single motif of 80 stitches by 80 rows , could be doubled in size by using the double length and double width buttons for a very large rhino , or could be knitted as a savannah scene with a second single motif of a acacia thorn tree .
2 The interest rates are calculated in the way required by the Consumer Credit Act and do not take into account any tax relief that could be gained for a home improvements loan .
3 Lord Sutherland told Maddison that life imprisonment was the only sentence that could be imposed on a murder charge .
4 It was introduced to the market at just the right time , when demand for coloured sinks of complex shape that could be integrated into an overall design scheme was just beginning to emerge .
5 A big pie was not something that could be made in a field and cooked on a bonfire , it would require skill and expertise in the use of large ovens and these were available as they were used by the local manufacturers of earthenware pipes :
6 under paragraphs 11 and 13 of the prayer , I ought , I think , to give an indication of what , in my opinion , would be a permissible form of order that could be sought against a non-recipient .
7 This , in turn , allowed Adobe , a company founded by two ex-Xerox PARC researchers , to turn their PostScript page description language into a marketable product that could be built into a page printer .
8 Kessel ( 1965 ) has suggested a limit to the amount of tablets that could be dispensed at a given time , and in some areas chemist shop assistants are instructed to refer customers to senior staff when large amounts of tablets are being requested .
9 In other words , by careful examination of the database it was possible to assess and list the processes that could be supported by a computer system , and identify broadly the associated information .
10 He is even more adamant that he is not stealing a place that could be filled by an Englishman .
11 With the conference appearing doomed to collapse over the issue of the fifth freedom , Canada made a last-ditch effort to save the situation by proposing the first four freedoms , and one weekly round-trip flight that could be increased under an escalator clause of 65 per cent capacity and over .
12 The presumption was that there were certain universals of social organization , functions that could be recognized in a variety of cultural forms ; myths , kinship orders , etc .
13 It was a simple piece of equipment that could be plugged into an ordinary power socket , and Faye had been happy to remain where she was .
14 The Code of Practice on Stop and Search , Annex B , explains this as being a fairly strong suspicion with a concrete base that could be evaluated by an objective third person .
15 They consulted a doctor who told them that there was very little that could be done for a rheumatic attack .
16 Angalo had found a pebble that was almost the right shape to attach to a twig with strips torn off his coat ; he 'd never seen a stone axe in his life , but he had a definite feeling that there were useful things that could be done with a stone tied to the end of a stick .
17 Lastly , Ingolstadt is used to exemplify the approach that could be adopted in an historically important and attractive city centre .
18 Forty-eight was the maximum number of matches that could be fitted into a day .
19 ‘ You mean you came all the way into Nice to get something that could be fitted into an envelope ? ’
20 In this single speech , Law foreshadowed the development of the party for the next fifteen years ; the strategic dilemma over relations with the other parties after the war , the need to make real concessions to make a coalition workable , the openings that could be created by a national leader of independent reputation ( Baldwin as it turned out ) , and the outcome when the moderate men of all parties came together in 1931 .
21 The Centre for Research on User Studies asked its respondents to indicate ‘ topics for which you think there is most need for external provision of training ’ , and while there was little evidence of lack of interest in external training or lack of perceived need , there was also little evidence of discrimination between needs that could be met by a range of methods and needs that could only be met by external provision .
22 The door panels , emblazoned with the Imperial Arms , were bullet-proof and were fitted with locks and bolts , while behind the windows were blinds that could be operated by a spring .
23 A difficulty is that Mercier 's brushwork , and an essential freedom in his style , does not lend itself to the same kind of minute scrutiny that could be applied to a painter like Zoffany .
24 The police required a portable system that could be implemented on an IBM-compatible microcomputer .
25 Pleasant as the round of meetings had been , there was next to nothing that could be agreed as a common objective for the final communiqué .
26 The initial examination of the requirement was based on the categories derived in the earlier analysis , which produced some tentative conclusions about the type of records that could be held on a computer , and the potential advantages that could be gained .
27 The computer could be used to rescale the image pixel values so that the lowest value in the image ( 25 ) was interpolated onto the lowest value that the display system could accommodate ( 0 ) while the highest value in the raw image ( 90 ) was mapped to the maximum value that could be held at a pixel point in the image memory bank ( 255 ) .
28 They were huge wheeled galvanised cylinders , each taller than a man and of the kind that could be chained to a garbage wagon and then hoisted and inverted in one great burst of hydraulic power .
29 And as she spoke , Mrs Denham , in the garden below , suddenly leaped to her feet , and started gathering up her things ; they could not catch what she was saying , but she seemed faintly agitated , and Martin too got to his feet , though not with any movement that could be described as a leap , and appeared to offer , though ineffectively , to help with his baby .
30 The report starts with the premise that wild red deer are ‘ a valuable national asset that could be managed on a sustainable basis to produce greater net economic , environmental and social benefits than at present . ’
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