Example sentences of "[conj] so [adv] [conj] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I told Anna a week or so ago that you 'd promised to visit her .
2 That comes automatically , together with iced water , before Peggy Sue begins interrogating you , and is replenished so often and so generously that you make a note to speak harshly to the next British rip-off artist who rushes you 80p for a niggardly Nescafe .
3 You pick up the warning signs from the news and so on before you get the official warning to go , but it 's still short notice .
4 Erm one of the best known commentators on the American president , a man called Richard Newstat er who 's occasionally known as Mr Williams because he 's married to er Shirley Williams a clapped-out Social Democratic politician of er yesteryear , erm Richard Newstat once said , well once said many things but er on this particular occasion said that er if you want to know what presidential power is , it is simply the power to persuade and that er when you look for er an American president what you need to look for er is not somebody who is clear minded , far sighted and so on but you need somebody who has the capacity the skill , the talent , to persuade other people to do what he wants them to do .
5 You simply take the marginal cost OA of the first inch , then add the marginal cost of the second inch , and so on till you get to the existing size S 1 .
6 a so and so , er maths is crap and so on and you know , that 's that 's going to make this into something that we would n't want
7 That 's Italy and er the home of the Mafia , there 's Greece and Turkey and so on and you come back round again , there 's the Straits of Gibraltar .
8 And then same the other end , and so it went right through that waggon , and your coupling took the strain for the next waggon and so on and so on until you 'd got the complete train fitted up .
9 Put double this amount ( two grains ) in the second square , double that ( four grains ) in the third , and so on until you reach the 64th and final square . ’
10 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
11 The next time you need to backup the directory you copy it into \WORK\WORK\WORK and so on until you feel that it is time to start the backup off from the start again .
12 ‘ How you feel is how you feel and how you climax is how you climax , and so long as you let a man know those things , there should n't be a problem , ’ David said .
13 After the birth , intercourse can begin again as soon as you feel ready and so long as you do n't feel any discomfort .
14 She smiled , ‘ Do n't forget now , you 're my cousin from Neath come to help with the business , you 're big like my dad , could easily be his nephew and so long as you do n't open your mouth , it should be all right . ’
15 I should wish you were brought home in wine rather than to come in so sober and so late as you do .
16 middle-age crisis and so on and so forth although you know given a certain number of intelligent people they could no doubt build an enormous
17 They want rearing and all that , they want to rear you see but so long as you get them settled and stand on them do anything , keep them down .
18 Many knitters worry about damaging their machines if they break the rules , but so long as you allow the machine to guide you , you should n't damage it .
19 Be warned though , it does n't work on all PC speakers — there are one or two in the office that emit a sound of some sort , but so quietly that you need a hearing aid to catch anything at all .
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