Example sentences of "[conj] can not [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A counter-notice which must be served within 21 days after service of the Notice , should only be given where it is required that the party whose statement it is sought to admit , should be called as a witness , but there are witnesses who can not , or should not be called , that is if dead , beyond the seas , or unfit to attend , or who can not after reasonable diligence be identified , or can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection ; consequently in respect of all those persons , the opposing party is not entitled to serve a counter-notice requiring such person to be called unless he can contend that the person can , or should be called .
2 But particularly intriguing is the phenomenon of syncretisation itself , as an artistic process , and its relationship to meaning : the process whereby something new is created that can not simply be reduced to either side of two antagonistic forces , or returned to a former ‘ purity ’ .
3 However , one charge that can not reasonably be made against the Government is that they have privatized the service .
4 Just as two beliefs can be such that they can not both be true , so two attitudes can involve wishes that can not both be realized .
5 The 4250 printer will be used under the Computer Group 's control to produce occasional high quality proofs or for other documents that can not adequately be output on the other printers available .
6 Few use licenses , for fear of creating future competitors by giving them a ‘ free ride ’ on ideas that can not adequately be recovered by the fee ( Magee , 1977 ) .
7 This is not a problem while the book 's owner still lives , but on his death the spell book becomes a source of uncontrolled power that can not easily be defused .
8 He made no attempt to play down Russia 's problems , including ‘ decades of under-investment and wrongly directed investment … industrial dinosaurs that can not easily be slimmed down and taught tricks … huge deficiencies in basic infrastructure , and … some horrendous environmental problems . ’
9 Adoption is hard , and everyone involved has disappointments , longings and anger that can not easily be dealt with .
10 The reasoning is not aimed at supporting a positive argument : it is negative and adversarial , and aimed at rejecting the arguments of other scholars and at excluding evidence that can not easily be accommodated into a unilinear historical canon .
11 It is important to weigh up all possible courses of action , and the factors for and against , before making a decision that can not easily be reversed .
12 The apparent ability of these receptors to substitute for one another is strange in view of their strong evolutionary conservation ; perhaps , mused Chambon , their absence results in a phenotype that can not easily be measured in the laboratory .
13 This is not a reference to any pet the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger may have had but rather to a ‘ thought experiment ’ he proposed ( a thought experiment is one that can not actually be performed , but the examination of which can reveal scientific truths — or , at least , plausibilities ) .
14 But this explanation is achieved only at the cost of excluding a very wide range of other factors , and offers us no coherent , integrated answer to the question ‘ What causes the peasant to observe this ethic ? ’ — a question that can not really be answered in this methodology .
15 Techniques that can not readily be proven analytically are unlikely to gain much engineering credence .
16 The summary follows its original uniformly , section by section , except in the following ways : ( i ) Nietzsche frequently alludes , without explaining the allusions , to more or less well-known features of Greek tragedy or the Greek world ; he gives virtually no dates for artists , thinkers , or events , ancient or modern ; and he sometimes makes points that rest , clearly enough , on unstated presuppositions , but points that can not readily be summarized without reconstructing each presupposition and making it fully explicit .
17 Nevertheless , the situation was probably of a complexity that can not now be recovered .
18 In other words these Guatemalan children show , as do Dennis 's institutionalized infants , that retardation during the first year or two of life is reversible , and that early experiences , however drastic at the time , do not necessarily set up patterns of behaviour that can not subsequently be modified .
19 However , what we surely have on the objector 's view is precisely that the smell of the candles was something that can not possibly be explained .
20 Another important development will be compact disks that can not only be read but also written to , so the user can make his own amendments to the data .
21 Conversely , the ethically proper allocation of funds to health , as compared to education or defence , is quintessentially an issue for political debate , and can not properly be left for individuals in the trenches to fight over , when they have no knowledge or view of the larger issues .
22 Nevertheless , the differences in prevalence of p53 mutation and 17p and 18q deletions between premalignant adenomas and adenocarcinomas is striking , and can not easily be dismissed .
23 The egg is distinctly oval , with a smooth shell ( Fig. 54 ) , and can not easily be distinguished from that of the other common poultry ascaridoid .
24 What is more , much of government expenditure is committed a long time in advance and can not easily be cut .
25 Teacher development has to build on those constructs which exist , and can not easily be promoted in any other way .
26 English poststructuralists , when wearing their Marxist hats , would undoubtedly want to insist that ideas belong in larger contexts , social , cultural , and political , and can not easily be abstracted and appropriated to other ends .
27 This , I fear , does involve specialist attention , and can not normally be attempted by the average DIY man .
28 The justification can imply an awareness of how the meaning of attitudinal positions depends upon the wider context of controversy , and can not just be understood in terms of the individual 's uttered attitudinal statements .
29 He says he agrees with Mr Tebbit that many of the evil deeds of recent years which have seen child murders and terrorism of a particularly disgusting type , can not be answered by ‘ mere questions of policing , penal treatment or sentencing policy and can not either be justified or explained by talking of urban deprivation and unemployment . ’
30 Some weeks after accepting delivery and paying for the computer , it is found that , although the computer works well in every other respect , it is not compatible with the company 's other machines and can not reasonably be made so .
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