Example sentences of "[conj] can [adv] [be] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 For in those matters which are beyond the reach of absolute knowledge , it is within the province of man 's own responsibility to decide what , for the time being , can be or can not be accepted as truth , and , as there can be a Created God , so can that God be the product of created truth .
2 When the smoke clears Pain Teens turn out to be more down to earth , a punky bar band who occasionally stray into territory that can best be described as extra terrestrial .
3 A good recent example is the TV launch campaign for First Direct ( whatever you may think of an execution that can best be described as controversial ) .
4 Coach Andy Stovold has the kind of brief that can not be envied as he tries to add technique and confidence to fledgling players .
5 On another page he included a picture of Mary that can only be described as erotic .
6 He looks at me hard and says in a voice that can only be described as arch , ‘ Do you mean do I cry when I see children with flies round their eyes ?
7 Today the Fellowships have many members who have made recoveries that can only be described as miraculous .
8 Correlations between the broad characteristics of a taxonomic group and species ecologies yield suggestive associations that can then be expressed as evolutionary hypotheses that are in principle open to direct tests .
9 This sentence is therefore more specific than [ 3 ] , and can not be regarded as entirely equivalent in sense .
10 The contrast is striking , and can not be dismissed as irrelevant to the social and other problems that we confront in the last decade of our century .
11 Most of these rules , I should point out , were petty , automatic ones relating to punctuality or tidiness and can generally be described as ‘ going by the book ’ .
12 Moon rats have an irritable nature and can hardly be described as attractive .
13 The Update Baseline routine is a stand-alone executable program which should be stored in the LIFESPAN installation directory , and can therefore be invoked as follows :
14 The Directory Integrity Check routine is a stand-alone executable program which should be stored in the LIFESPAN installation directory , and can therefore be invoked as follows :
15 The Type Module routine is a stand-alone executable program which should be stored in the LIFESPAN installation directory , and can therefore be invoked as follows :
16 The ‘ marketable ’ sector produces goods and services which are sold on established markets , generally makes a profit , and can therefore be regarded as self-financing .
17 The RAC tends to have local firms dealing with their matters and can always be approached as stated above to see if they are prepared to allow you some introductions .
18 Note : A tour of Egypt is a unique and fascinating experience but can not be described as leisurely .
19 This doctrine has its roots in the equitable nature of the duty of confidence but can now be regarded as covering both equitable and contractual obligations of confidence ( see Initial Services Ltd v Putterill ) .
20 These checks will absorb some of the energy of the returning hammers but can only be considered as hammer rests , not as checks .
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